Member of Finance Committee: of the most important economic consequences for the Arab summit Arab banks to create a development
On: Friday 3/30/2012 8:41
Baghdad (news) .. A member of the Finance Committee MP / National Alliance / Abdul-Hussein al-Yasiri, that of the most prominent and most important economic consequences for the Arab summit establishment of Arab banks of development, and that through the promotion of their economies, especially Iraq, referring to the principle of Arab economic integration is very important.
Yasiri said (of the Agency news ): The Economic Conference has a positive economic results will include… all the Arab peoples through the development of strategies and plans and to work towards economic integration, which will unite the Arab markets and the integration of banks, as well as the establishment of Arab banks of development, will contribute to the process of economic integration among Arab countries. He added that the most important topics which had been put in the conference salinity marine, tourism and natural disasters, pointing out that the water issue is an issue very important for the Arab States and of interest to Iraq in the lead as the sources of Iraqi waters, especially rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates come from Europe and there is an Arab force consisting of (22) state, all belong for membership of the United Nations, which would reflect positively for the sake of Iraq’s water. He explained: There is an old project has been put forward in economic conferences of previous Arab and perhaps introduce now is to take advantage of Iraqi waters and not released into the sea water and the necessity of preservation for the benefit of approximately (4) Arab nations and up to the Sultanate of Oman. He Yasiri to: that the principle of Arab economic integration is very important that the Arab states contain (600) million people and the labor are many and some Arab countries have abundant natural huge oil and which form (69%) of the reserves, the world’s oil, so states Arabic has privileges to appoint some Arab countries that suffer from poverty and deprivation, calling to benefit from the experience of the European Union through the market and common currency among them. and approved by the Economic and Social Council at its meeting last Tuesday, in Baghdad, the presence of the Ministers of Finance and Economy and the Arabs, three strategies on security water, tourism, disaster reduction to meet the challenges and future requirements for sustainable development. The meeting concluded a series of resolutions and enables reporter Agency (news) to get the text of the decisions, where ministers decided at their meeting: Adoption of the strategy of Arab tourist and mechanisms of implementation, and asked the Arab Ministerial Council for Tourism take the necessary steps to implement the strategy of Arab tourist and the application of mechanisms and follow-up implementation. as ministers adopted the strategy of water security in the Arab region to face the challenges and future requirements for sustainable development, and to invite the Arab Ministerial Council for water to take the steps and procedures necessary to implement the strategy for water security in the Arab region to meet the challenges and requirements for future development sustainable in coordination with the Arab Centre for the Study of Arid and Arid Lands. / End / 8. d. Q /