Maliki: we seek to strengthen our defenses and closer to resolving differences
Maliki: we seek to strengthen our defenses and closer to resolving differences
27/08/2012 16:32
Arbil August 27 / August (Rn) – Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Monday that his country is seeking to strengthen its defense capabilities and also pointed out that he supported the release of Iraqi detainees in prisons on condition of committing acts of murder against innocent people. interview Maliki came during a meeting with a delegation tribal in Baghdad. added In a statement issued by his office media that “Iraq does not accept sectarian strife and everyone must work united on the grave of sedition.” Maliki said Iraq “is seeking to bolster its defense capabilities in order to protect national sovereignty and gains of the Iraqi people and to achieve stability and prevent outside interference.” He continued, “we have become Today close to access to solve all the problems under the Constitution and dialogue. ” “We are with the release of any Iraqi, on the condition that not be his hands stained with the blood of innocent people,” Maliki said. Murtaza Yousuf