Legal expert: The new election law is missing the most important thing in it .. Parliament bears this error

Legal expert: The new election law is missing the most important thing in it .. Parliament bears this error

12/2/2020 1:54 PM

Legal expert - The new election law is missing the most important thing in it .. Parliament bears this error{Baghdad: Al Furat News} A legal expert confirmed that the new election law will remain in the House of Representatives and that the Presidency will not ratify it.
And since the House of Representatives voted on a new election law in its meeting held on December 24 last year, the law does not still have the Council did not send to the Presidency of the Republic .

He said the legal expert Tareq Harb in a press statement on Wednesday “is a law in force elections two weeks after the date of his arrival to the Presidency of the Republic, but the law did not send to the Presidency of the Republic after.”

He added that “sending the law to the presidency will be delayed because the law has not yet been completed, as it is devoid of the electoral constituency annex, and it is the most important thing in the law.”

Harb pointed out that “the electoral districts in the law are not yet defined, pointing out that it is wrong to leave the law with the Legal Committee to make amendments to it according to its whims.”

Harb stressed that the law has so far been in the House of Representatives, and when it is sent to the Presidency of the Republic, it will be considered effective two weeks after its dispatch, regardless of whether the President of the Republic Barham Salih approves it or not.

Ammar Al-Masoudi