Kurdistan: Britain is backing us to hold a referendum to secede from Baghdad

Kurdistan: Britain is backing us to hold a referendum to secede from Baghdad

Wed, 31 Aug 2016 14:43:49

Kurdistan - Britain is backing us to hold a referendum to secede from BaghdadPublicly representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government to Britain Karwan Jamal Taher, from the Kingdom’s support for the referendum scheduled to take place in the province of Kurdistan, even if it led to the independence of the Kurds, the condition that the Iraqi parties agree otherwise be the announcement of one party.

He said of Tahir in a press statement that “the British government has informed us officially to support the referendum Kurdistan region even if the result of independence from the central government, provided the Iraqi parties agree that the declaration not be a one-sided”.

Iraq’s new constitution of 2005 stipulates that the Republic of Iraq a federal state and the guarantor of the unity of the Constitution.

Under the constitution, as long as the authorities in Baghdad remained committed to the Constitution and its provisions remain united Iraq, governed by the principle of partnership, otherwise it is the right of the Kurdistan Regional secession.

And according to sources, the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, was presented during his visit to Baghdad in the past two days, the issue of Kurdistan’s independence referendum and it quite frankly in his talks with senior Iraqi officials, including prime ministers and parliament Haider Abadi and Saleem al-Jubouri.
