Kirkuk: equipping the population with electricity will reach 24 hours in summer

26/02/2012 19:28

ElectricityKirkuk, February 26 (Rn) – The Department of Electricity Distribution Kirkuk Sunday for processing of the population 12 hours a day of national electricity energy processed by the province of Baghdad and the Kurdistan region. She noted that the hours of processing electricity national reach to 24 hours a day in the summer. officials were the province of Kirkuk, the oil-rich were able last summer to absorb the anger of the local population after the contract with the Kurdistan region to supply the province with electricity, which will be paid wages of project petrodollars. and the Ministry has decided to Electricity Kurdistan Regional Government in August of last year to provide the province of Kirkuk, 225 megawatts of electricity for five years. An official relations and the media in the circuit measured Alrezvani told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “the number of hours of processing the citizens of Kirkuk electricity national total reached 12 hours a day . ” He pointed out that “the number of hours of processing electricity national reach to 24 hour a day in the summer.” and added that “12 hours of electricity and national including the investor’s share of the Kurdish and the share of Baghdad equip the citizen.” and you need Kirkuk Some 880 MW to meet the daily demand while equipped now with 450 MW which is 240 of the national grid and 225 of the investor, a Kurd. He Alrezvani saying “Snjhz citizen 16 hours at the end of March next.” and announced the provincial council in Kirkuk, in the earlier allocation of $ 200 billion dinars for the establishment of a power station in the province is linked to the national grid capacity for up to 400 MW to be implemented in two phases for each stage 200 MW project funded by petrodollars. From: Abdullah al-Amiri. Open: Morteza Elios