Keywords: Central has a distinct global infrastructure

Keywords: Central has a distinct global infrastructure

07/05/2017 0:00

Keywords - Central has a distinct global infrastructureIn the first banking technologies conference

BAGHDAD / Hussein Tgb
disclosed banking technologies conference on Saturday for possession of the Iraqi Central Bank and one of the advanced infrastructure comparable to what is owned by the advanced economies of the world and can employ global communications revolution to develop all aspects of the Iraqi capital sector.
This came during a banking technology conference sponsored by the Central Bank of Iraq and organized by the Iraqi Association of private banks, which was attended by more than 500 personal and specialized companies from 9 countries.
Central Bank Governor Dr. Keywords Ali said that this conference is important for achieving development and progress in the banking sector, pointing out that a large number of banks were able to go a long way in the development of competencies and the use of advanced software. He added that the central has infrastructure unique in the world able to absorb the best international systems offered by banks, and this conference is a spark for the development of the reality of the banking sector and strengthening the relationship between the banks and the public, calling on banks to interact with the supply of advanced technologies for the advancement of banking work. Keep pace with the development Keywords between the favorable opportunity to enter the systems of advanced international companies to the financial sector and the demand is available on the best programs and we have the ability to absorb, indicating that the central walking fast and sophisticated pace in order to keep pace with the development and use of best global technologies and allocate large amounts annually. He urged a closer relationship between the public and the banks that require speed, efficiency and low cost in the provision of products and this is achieved the adoption of advanced technologies and access to banking phones away from the queues, pointing to the need to overcome red tape in the completion of transactions, as the central works to expand on the subject of financial inclusion. Financial Advisor to the Prime Minister Dr. The appearance of Mohammed Saleh began his sentence descriptive “If the money represents the blood banking is the heart The device banking technologies represent food , ” said the technologies reduce red tape and facilitate transactions and need to keep up with continuous development. And he confirmed the existence of a government decision using the most advanced technologies in the payment of staff salaries and described criticism that the institution needs to develop in order not to become a burden on society, which needs to modern methods of work. Arms marketing head of the Iraqi private banks association Wadih Handal said: Our message in this conference are summarized to confirm cooperation and integration between the banks on the one hand and between the information and communication service providers , IT companies on the other hand, to enable banks to extend its arms marketing to all citizens and to provide banking services on a larger scale . The banks in Iraq, despite the difficulties faced by Balasttmarwalttaiwir in the field of information technology there is still much to be done in this area, and the step that we have started on this road should continue and not stop to keep pace with progress in the field of technology in the light of the central bank ‘s plans that operate and seek to interest in the implementation of pilot projects, most recently the national divider unique region – wide project. Competition scale witnessed recent years , a revolution in the banking industry was its gate using technology that provided it easier and deliver innovative products customer service sets a benchmark for the competition, and increased operational efficiency through the electronic banking industry development and keep pace with the communications revolution and the expansion of e – commerce and increasing competition. Handal said that the technology has dominated all sectors in the world, which requires the banks attention to this fact , to keep up with Alttoralhasal and to reach customers outside the branches, and the provision of innovation and new means of payment, otherwise the , there are other sectors can enter as a competitor to the banking market through provide as requested by customers. He said the geographical and demographic structure of Iraq imposes the urgent need to shift our banks to electronic banking banks Tovralkhaddmat to all segments of the citizens wherever they may be down to financial inclusion that we all seek to achieve. The world around us heading gradually towards a cash society in banking transactions, an important objective of reducing the costs of the use of banknotes and its cons countless, including the difficulty of follow – up cash move offset by the ease in identifying the electronic financial movements , which provides a better regulatory environment and a tremendous amount of information that can be relied upon in the marketing of new products, and also the benefits of the technology have Mkhatraly banks should be studied carefully and inform them with sufficient attention. The competent financial affairs Ali Zaidi between that in all cases , Iraq is waiting for economically promising mobility, which requires us to make a sophisticated financial sector that compete with international banks , which began to open branches inside Iraq after it realized the importance of Iraq in the international economic arena. He cautioned that international delegations attending to Iraq accompanied by economic effort continuously and this is evidence of the positive international outlook for the national economy , which has the ingredients for success and this perceived by the world ‘s leading companies around the world. Systems expertise and Executive Director of the Association of Iraqi private banks Tariq Ali said that the presence of this number of companies Bdjaptha best banking technologies around the world , proof that it is determined to be in Iraq , rendering and expertise and this greatly facilitates the development of the financial sector. He noted that private banks have a great desire to adopt advanced systems, as competition leads to the expansion of products in quantity and quality and convey the Iraqi financial sector into reality better and creates an expansion progress real toning capabilities of Iraq ‘s economic and workload , which absorbs a great deal of the global effort advanced. Tariq said the conference will complement efforts of the Association, especially in the field of training where the preparation of hundreds of experiences in the past months and training on various important banking activities, where the conference provides advanced systems that increase the capabilities of the trainee and make him lead a great service in this aspect. The working environment specialist financial affairs Haider Kadhim al – Baghdadi said that the banking sector in Iraq needs to organize more of his joints and that this conference came Baltqanat that contribute to the development of product quality and quantity without the slightest doubt, noting the need to be equivalent to the technical development of the evolution of the labor laws and the environment governing the sector mechanisms financial. He noted that the presence of technology companies in Baghdad would rise to work where he will create a spirit of competition between banks , which in turn leads to a positive shift in the reality of work in this sector and is an important hub for the process of economic development sought by Iraq. Genuine cooperation and economic member of the Baghdad forum on behalf of Antoine stressed that the urgent need for a sophisticated banking sector already and that the organization of a conference must be attached to real cooperation with these companies and actually to have offices in Baghdad , announcing offers cutting – edge technology and be obliged to train local talent to manage properly and be able to of them, and here it can be an effective cooperation in this aspect between these companies and the Association of Iraqi private banks that could facilitate matters of training. Antoine stressed the need to have a sophisticated banking sector is able to cooperate with the big money needed by Iraq in the construction and reconstruction operations and trading capital. The pace of development Hisham al – Saadi representative of the company politicized technology banks between Iraq a new market in this area and contains a large number of employment opportunities for the existence of banks and many viable financial companies to expand with the high pace of development in Iraq, and our target audience presence close to Iraqi banks as we carry from technology leads to the development of the reality of products that offer to the beneficiaries.