Israeli official calls for Syria to exploit the crisis to confront Iran
Israeli official calls for Syria to exploit the crisis to confront Iran
20/02/2012 19:58
Beirut, February 20 (Rn) – The newspaper “Los Angeles Times,” the U.S. for the former director of Israeli intelligence Mossad Ephraim Halevy, saying the turmoil in Syria, is an opportunity to confront Iran’s nuclear program. Halevy said in the interview with the newspaper the U.S. it is imperative Israel, which was busy in recent weeks to discuss the question of a military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities, to take advantage of the opportunity to the Syrian crisis to blow a political and diplomatic to Iran by dropping the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.The official Israeli previous to that in the case of regime fell Damascus, It was the coalition Syrian – Iranian, that would be a defeat appalling to Iran.
While considered Halevy that the main issue in the region is the issue of conflict Sunni – Shiite, warned that it is imperative for Israel not directly involved in the standoff over Syria. He Halevy hoped to take his country some of the actions that will prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, pointing out that Israel has a particular interests in Syria must be taken into account. In response to a question about his belief that the defeat Syria would deal a blow to Iran’s nuclear program, said Halevy, “The issue of Syria and the possibilities of Iran’s nuclear issues are linked, achievements of a nuclear Iran and its efforts to establish itself in Syria, is part of the problem of regional multi-faceted. ” When asked Halevy about the possibility of an Israeli attack to prevent the transmission arsenal of Syrian arms to “Hezbollah” in Lebanon, the Israeli official said the former “All I can say is that there are certain things, if it took place in Syria or Lebanon, they are of great concern for Israel, and Israel will not be able to accept it.”From: Khalil al-Khalil. Open: Murtaza Yousuf