Iraqis are divided over the Baghdad summit

30/03/2012 13:32

Baghdad, March 30 / March (Rn) – split the Iraqis in their opinions about the Arab summit conference hosted by Baghdad on Thursday, some of them considered “success” came Besbarham promise to others a failure like other summits that preceded it. The Arab Summit concluded its work in the Iraqi capital Baghdad yesterday evening in the presence of 10 leaders of the Arab countries of the most prominent of… the Emir of Kuwait amid tight security. A native named Hamid Majeed, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn), “the Arab summit Avranna much a result of presence of all Arab countries in it. Whatever the decisions, those Summit is a big win for the patience of Iraqis.”The This event, which is the largest politically in Iraq since the fall of the former regime in 2003 at a time when the political arena a political crisis over power-sharing. A native named Zia-Jabri’s (Rn) “What happened is great for the Iraqis and the government that appreciates that the Iraqi people. success of the summit came because of our sacrifices. ” has stressed the Iraqi authorities reserves the security in the capital Baghdad to coincide with the start of preparatory meetings for the Arab summit that starts Thursday. and the Iraqi government announced to disable official circles in Baghdad for more than a week starting from the twenty-fifth of this month until the first of April next. has closed security teams the streets of the capital and published more than 100 thousand an extra security at the entrances of Baghdad and exits and established many checkpoints as the government announced an official holiday for five days. , says Major General Nasser Al-Ghannam Commander of Second Corps in the Iraqi army that military forces on alert He adds that “the forces working to secure areas of patrolling the duties and will be crowned this effort a success.” This has caused Alchdadat security in traffic jams in Baghdad, which is well experienced disruptions in the markets of exchange and a rise in the prices of some goods to the difficulty of transportation. announced the Baghdad Operations Command on Friday morning for the success of the security plan prepared for the protection of the delegations of the Arab Summit and the possibility of holding meetings confirmed the return of security measures to normal in the capital. said Mohammed al-Qaisi owner of a shop for food in Qadissiya (Rn) he was forced to sleep two days in a small shop because of the security forces to impose ban Roaming the second day of the Arab Summit and the sudden and unannounced. He added that his family remained not know anything about him during the past two days he could not even tell them by mobile phone that halt is also due to security measures for the Arab summit. He explained, “was supposed to tell people these procedures in order to is being prepared for it. ” The citizen Saad Mukhtar, who was the position described in his speech (Rn) as of the most difficult situations that passed him in his life after the new baby girl, but he was not able to transfer his wife to his home because of curfew sudden appeared the same day. continues Saad his talk by saying that he remained more than three hours going on in the neighborhoods sub surrounding region, hoping to get out of the way to his home but failed to convince the security authorities in allowing it to pass even managed to stay overnight at one of the friends who are close in spite of his family were not learning anything about his whereabouts and the deterioration of the health of his wife because of extreme fatigue. citizenship Npras Hamid employee of the inhabitants of the Mansour district of central Baghdad, said “We have stayed and her family two consecutive days do not know anything about the fate of her brother, who came out to meet a friend in a neighboring region after the crippled mobile phones, adding to the security forces refused to roaming foot in the region in search of him. ” and described Npras Summit Aribh as the worst event passed by Iraq that led to cases of humanitarian emergency experienced by the citizens Bsaton because of excessive actions and undeclared, which gave a Bdilalha on the psyche of the citizen, who let the Arab summit and wished that Ataatkrr in Baghdad again . As an activist civil Shamkhi Jabr told (Rn) that “the citizen alone came out a loser of the Arab summit spoke Economists for the loss of Iraq’s $ 30 million price for disruption for the entire week.” and added that “the exchange amount of more than 600 billion Iraqi dinars for the sat Summit was more beneficial to spend on services waiting for the Iraqi people and not for the hospitality of Heads of State on the occasion of Ankrj the results useless on the ground even been described as the top most expensive cost of the summits years. ” He Shamkhi that some of the participating countries captured eighth presence in the Arab Summit in advance through the agreements did not know something which the ordinary citizen.From: Filaih slain and Wedding Shawki. Open: Murtaza Yousuf