Iraqi parliament approved the budget worth 100.5 billion 2012 dollars
24/02/2012 07:39
Baghdad, February 24 (Rn) – was approved by the Iraqi parliament on Thursday the budget in 2012, worth 100.5 billion dollars after a delay of weeks because of disagreements on how it was spent, which is usually accompanied by the adoption of state budget finances. and proceeded House of Representatives to vote on budget items yesterday afternoon and continued the meeting until the middle of the night in the presence of 248 deputies, and headed by Osama Najafi. and approved the budget on the basis of the average oil price of $ 85 a barrel and an average crude exports of 2.6 million barrels a day. The budget forecasts a deficit of $ 12.6 billion will be funded the bulk of it from the surplus in the calculation of the Development Fund for Iraq to Federal Reserve Bank in New York. Fund was set up after US-led invasion of Iraq in order to guide the oil revenue to finance reconstruction and nutritional programs for Iraqis. And is filed Iraq, the bulk of the proceeds of oil sales in the Fund. and budget allocates $ 31.7 billion for investment projects, salaries and support system of food commodities, and $ 14.7 billion for Iraqi security forces. and put the budget on the basis of an average oil exports this year of 2.6 million barrels per day, including 175 thousand barrels per day of the Kurdistan region.The average oil exports last year’s 2.165 million barrels per day and fell to 2.106 million barrels per day in January in Januaryand is trying to Iraq – a member of OPEC – to rebuild its economy ravaged by years of war, sanctions and depends mainly on the petroleum revenues, which funds about 95 percent of its budget. The budget for Iraq in 2011 amounting to 82.6 billion dollars on the basis of an oil price of $ 76.50 per barrel and average exports of 2.2 million barrels a day. said an MP for the Kurdistan Alliance bloc longings dry, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) “All the revenue actually will go into the Development Fund for Iraq or any other form last replaced after deducting 5% of compensation for Kuwait war, or any other rate determined by the Security Council and repaid to the United Nations. stressed dry that the people’s representatives in the Council have made unremitting efforts for the adoption of the budget, describing budget legislation as a “good news for the Iraqi people.” From: Filaih slain. Open: Abdullah Sabri