Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-25-17
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-25-17
9-25-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 …may I point to a few things… good things IMO…in fact very good…has anyone been keeping a scorecard on FM Jaafari and who he had “side” meetings with in NYC…those are of the utmost importance IMO…IMO it is those types of meetings where so much can be and often is accomplished…Jaafari as a former Prime Minister of Iraq knows how to be a mover and shaker… IMO Abadi chose this man very wisely to take his place in NYC at the UNGA (United Nations General Assembly) meetings …he knew Jaafari’s experience would be helpful…no he’s not Abadi but he still can speak with authority…he had serious meetings with many serious players… And what always seems to happen after a significant entourage comes to the US and then returns to Iraq…MAJOR things seem to magically happen, almost as if a favored hand helps them to move mountains…
9-25-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 No we didn’t exactly hear what we thought we wanted from Abadi today…or did we…that question remains to be clarified IMO… A wise student though should be keeping a sharp eye on where Abadi is…who he is talking to…and what he is saying…IMO all three are vitally important…both today and even out to the next 24 to 48 hours again IMO… Am I excited…yes I am…I’m looking forward to Iraq making a big move…when…soon… what kind of move… well just watch closely for Abadi…he’s the key to their success at the moment I believe… And I want to believe that FM Jaafari has garnered some good support from the UN and a whole pocket full of member countries as well… IMO…the BEST is coming… we are so close…
9-25-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “The economic situation is bad, and the repetition of the past is not going to work” Quote: “…changes towards the liberalization of the economy from the concept of foreign exchange and provide a currency for the budget, to launch the real sectors that make their currency…” And provide a currency for the budget…now what could that be?
9-25-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Dr. Haider al – Abadi Speech…..Great speech…there is every reason to be positive… The negative news is to be expected… In the end, the success of what has been a lengthy wait for a great many will be rewarded… Remember the news of the past month, and how they have spoken of accomplishing this goal of adding value to the dinar… The Kurds know the deal, and this will look as though that it was their pressure of utilizing the threat of the referendum that will have gotten them what they wanted… PM Abadi’s speech is one of unity, and justice for all Iraqi’s… It would NOT bode well for the Kurd’s if they went ahead with this referendum… Both economically, and as it concerns peace… I believe that Barzani’s countrymen want peace, and for this union to succeed… Amidst all of this chaos, and confusion, the plan that has been worked on for so many years, and just waiting for the time to implement, will come to pass…
9-25-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 My belief lies in the lifting of the 3 zeros for international trade…from the point of lifting the 3 zeros the question is how will the 3 zero notes be treated at exchange… Not to debate lops, revaulations, redenominations, lifting 3 zeros, reinstatements… NOBODY KNOWS… Statements by the CBI are in line with redenomination …and since they are not going to say…WE are increasing the rate…we wait!
9-24-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG This is – best case, a leverage play by Barzani. There is significant unrest in most of the surrounding regions over this situation. Turkey doesn’t like it. Iran doesn’t like it. Iraq doesn’t like it. The IMF doesn’t like it. The UN doesn’t like it. The US doesn’t like it. Explain to me again the “excitement”? It’s not good. However, it may not be anything more than a short-term distraction to currency reform in Iraq.
9-24-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: “The unemployment rate exceeds the red lines .. graduates and largest victims” Quote: “Unemployment turn out to be endemic and chronic disease in Iraq, including the consequent implications and consequences of social serious in the forefront of poverty , which exceeds the proportion of the “30% of the Iraqi people, with the extreme poverty rate of 10% according to an economist…” Iraq has reached the tipping point, which way will they go?
9-24-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: “Barzani: The time has come to demand the postponement of the referendum will not take my people” Quote: “The president of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, said the claims and calls to postpone the referendum on independence “is over.” The title is a little deceiving. However, it also points out Barzani clearly intends to “negotiate” with Baghdad afterwards. The whole thing has the feel of a “squeeze play”. Barzani may well know he has no chance of a true independence play. On the other hand, while this is an “extra-Constitutional” vote, Abadi and the GOI ignore their Constitution when it suits them as well.
9-24-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: “Foreign Minister: Qatar is ready to support Iraq to regain its regional and international role” [With so many countries cheering for them and supporting them we know that our investment will eventually pay some dividends…so many countries have not given up hope on Iraq. IT WILL HAPPEN!] Thats right!… It has been set up to succeed… By those who truly control what goes on within governments… The nations are just mere pawns… Whether all of this bombing is going on on the Kurdish border is actually occurring remains to be seen… Frankly, I am skeptical… All of this confusing news is normally used as a diversionary tactic before something good occurs…