Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-24-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-24-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-24-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “Why are they [US and Iraq] going to do the first currency swap at a program rate?” …IMO it’s brilliant…the first swap is to be advantageous to Trump and the Untied States of America and the American citizens and tax payer…The first swap at the program rate fills in the cupboards of the United States Treasury with a low costing dinar…Then a second swap at a new rate fills not only the CBI with their financial potential for their economy, citizens, International trade, all of this but it also acts as a loan fill-ins for the budget…IMO the 2021 budget will come out ready with a new exchange rate…Trump is doing like we did [getting dinar at a low price]…

9-24-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] There are meetings happening in the White House at 11 am and 11 pm every day – That is interesting to me because this is a (notice they are 12 hrs apart) way to monitor the progress of the “process” – See something that needs to be done –tweak the process – in other words it’s a way for them to keep up with everything that’s going on globally – in this process – and I am encouraged by that – it tells us that they are on it – basically 24 x 7…

9-24-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Deputy: 35 trillion dinars are stored with the people who refuse to deposit them in banks” Once they bring or add Purchase Power to the new small category notes, the liquidity will begin to absorb those large amounts of notes. The sooner the better too…imo.

9-24-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am still hearing positive things. There is still the possibility of a vote in Iraq on the budget…maybe a temporary rate or interim budget until the real one comes out…late in their evening which for us is at any moment now. I hear this will be our sign that everything has been triggered. There is a lot of really positive chatter out of the middle east right now. On the banking side in Asia, Europe and even the US …they are still sitting on “go” with no release yet. We are in a strange lull…i think it’s the lull before the storm…we really are getting into that perfect launch period.

9-23-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …there is a tremendous amount of dis-information released right now. They have done this in the past when they have done a revaluation or a reset…the most recent example we have is Kuwait . The morning of the revaluation they had a big article in the paper on how it was going to be years before they RVed….then BAM…later that day they had the revaluation. Before that was China . 3 days before they did a revaluation they released stories in the papers- domestic and international that they were not prepared for it yet…and then boom…so look for that smoke…we are seeing a tremendous amount of smoke right now.

9-23-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I have learned some new things about this whole plan – which I think is fascinating – and where we are is I am going to say – very – very close…I’ve heard from 5 different sources today – and I’m not calling it – however – I’m hearing very good things about tomorrow [Wednesday] – wouldn’t be right for me to try to call it – I’m just going to say – I like what I’m hearing about tomorrow …You know when…you’re pretty much at the end of the ride – you pull in on that roller coaster and it slowly comes up to a stop…I believe the bar is just about ready to be raised – I believe this is where we are… I think we’re almost home… with all the other things that I’ve heard that are happening – I believe it’s very – very close…

9-23-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy This is a pretty big time for us. It’s close to the end of the month. Remember the reform papers are supposed to be submitted by the end of this month. The 2020 budget was supposed to have already been voted on. The 2021 budget is coming. Now the anticipation is that we are going to hear something about the Iraqi dinar rate in the reform papers. There’s no guarantee. We just know that it’s going to be discussed…we know the Minister of Finance has said in the reform papers there is discussions about the Iraqi rate and what that might be…

9-23-2020 Inte/Newhound Guru Frank26 …the new Central Bank Governor of Iraq, he’s not waiting any time is he? He is direct implementation. There is no delay. It’s also very interesting how much of a hurry this new governor of the CBI is in. As much of a hurry as Kazemi. Kazemi gave the new CBI governor Mustafa the authority of the white papers…

9-23-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana First, the normal stuff…OIL – nothing crazy, just the normal expected good stuff. Stable and steady upward trend. Budget – This may not seem like a big deal, but…submitting it, then withdrawing it, then returning it, then stating “we need 3 weeks to approve it”…there is some number-crunching, pencil whipping, fiat manipulation going on in the background. By itself, that news would raise some eyebrows, but let’s hop right into the stuff that does more than raise eyebrows: In particular, this part:

9-23-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana “Deputy Haybat Al-Halbousi indicated that the committee had opened the cabinet to send oil and energy bills, including the oil and gas law.” … in case you missed that: “including the oil and gas law”. If I had the ability to make fireworks…jump off of your screen right now, I would consider it – that’s how big this kind of news is! If it seems like “all Adam talks about anymore is HCL”, that’s because things are so smooth and streamlined in Iraq right now… HCL is all we need at this point. HCL is oil and gas law. That’s it. That’s all, end of story, all she wrote, finito…done.

9-23-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Our man Kazzammie is hands down the best thing to ever happen to this situation. Not because he’s a messiah or anything crazy like that – the man has just done so much it’s almost unbelievable. Prior to him taking the position, Iraq was torn and confused by riots, revolts, and failure. That short period of time came after much incredible progress, including getting out of Chapter 7 and booting Maliki. There was a time (not too long ago) when it looked like one of the previous Prime Ministers would make some progress, but we have never seen this much HCL action. Ever. I’m excited… Go Iraq, Go Dinar…GO RRRRVVVVV!!!

9-23-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni More good news today from the central bank of Iraq as the new governor makes changes in policy. Efforts seem to be improving as prime minister Kazemi goes after corruption.

9-23-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] The news I am getting out of Iraq is they are hoping to have a budget vote on Thursday…even though all the news is saying they still need 3 weeks. [For the first time in IRAQ you can exchange Dinar with Dollar between your accounts.] Yes – they are making it seamless in preparation for the new banking system. This is big news. Much concern in the world that Iraq is running out of dollars as this thing has drug on…yes they are running into a budget crisis. My last update was they are pushing to have a vote by Thursday of this week for a budget with value. Otherwise they cannot pay this months salaries, government, pensions and all those good things…there is a serious push going on in Iraq right now.

9-23-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “A member of the Financial Committee, Ahmed Hama Rashid said on Tuesday that the 2020 budget needs 3 weeks to vote on it.” Quote: “Parliament have not yet seen the numbers in the budget.” Parliament have not seen the freaking numbers in the budget! …They’re hiding the numbers from us, from the public news and from parliament because it’s calculated in the billions of dinar and it’s linked to the rate change. It’s calculated off the rate change. Doesn’t have a rate in it but its figures are calculated off the rate. That’s why they’re freaking hiding it…we look amazing…

9-23-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “In the first decision…the new central bank governor settles a controversial matter” Wow, this is telling me that they have every intention to raise the value of the currency. The importance is straight forward and addressed. It is my understanding…we know they have been printing small notes (possibly coins) in 2018 and more recently in 2019 and 2020…They had issue with Alak’s name on of the categories. Imo The new CBI GOV has been around along time and would have known about all of this, thereby, imo they have that issue under control and we are about to see a big change and much improvement to the management of the new currency…WOW This article about the smalls is awesome. It sure shows us they have an incredible intention to use the smalls…That is a good thing…