Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-14-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-14-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-14-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …Iraq can only pay [contracts with the Iraqi dinar]. For example I told you that they signed that contract with GE for 1.2 Billion dollars. Because of Article VIII Iraq can only make payment with their currency – the dinar. They cannot use the US dollar. So in order for them to make payments… their currency has to be internationally recognized. GE is not going to accept payment with a non-internationally recognized currency. So anybody receiving payment from Iraq, the Iraqi dinar must be internationally recognized to receive those payments…

9-14-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni There is a lot of talk in the media about the government submitting the economic reform law by the end of month to parliament. This is an important law and we need to watch closely to see if there is anything on it regarding currency reform.

9-14-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff We have some very amazing news that I’m shocked to see…it’s good. Article: “The first Sunni comment on Al-Kazemi’s incursion into the ranks of the “deep state” Quote: “…Prim Minister Kazemi made major changes in a number of government position most notably the Central Bank Governor of Iraq…” …the original Central Bank governor was only a proxy. He was temporary. There was some theory that we might need to see a new Central Bank Governor before the rate could change and there you go…has now officially happened…as you see they’re cleaning house, making a lot of changes right now. That’s good.

9-13-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan We see that in…articles that are out lately that the reform papers and budgets are being talked about. They talk about not only the 2019, 2020 and 2021. They will not hopscotch around any of them… They are to be in-sync and in order. They feed off each other. The Finance Minister has shown the 2020 Draft to the parliament days ago. The draft has the exchange rate at a program rate, as it has been not voted on it yet, a not normal thing at all. But they tell us that the budget can be changed or delayed. In other words the 2020 budget can be amended. I believe there is support that it will be amended away from a program rate. Because, they are not able to borrow at a program rate or they would have already. They have exhausted all avenues with the IMF, WB, countries, etc…imo…

9-13-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Why is Iraq in the process of approving a 3-year budget? Why 3? Why no just the ’21 budget? It’s because of the reforms. They told you the reforms can only be implemented in stages and phases. So they can only implement the reforms over an extended period of time. They’re showing you they’re starting the reforms in this year of 2020 – in the second half of the year…they’re going to span the reforms over almost a 4-year period…from 2020 through ’23..

9-13-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “The Independent: Iraq has no choice but to take austerity measures or float the currency” Finally!!! We have some news we wanted to hear for almost a year now. Yes, this is HUGE and WOW…news for us.

9-13-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …there is no rate inside the budget…because the reforms are in the budget that makes the budget married to the rate change. Because the reforms require the currency to become internationally recognized… that’s whey the budget is married to the rate change. That’s also why the reforms are inside the budget, that makes everything married to the rate change and dependent on the rate change. They’re showing you that they couldn’t implement these reforms and push forward with them until the currency is internationally recognized…that’s what we’re waiting for…

9-13-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Iraqi Politician Calls For Normalization of Ties with Israel” …more possible peace in the Middle East…now Iraq politicians are indeed wanting to normalize ties with Israel…you’re gonna see more of this. More and more. Then of course the media is going to keep trying to find ways to keep you distracted from all the great things that Trump has done…who does not want peace? …I would love to see peace in the Middle East. I would love to see them flourish. I really would. I want to go there and visit.