Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-12-19
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-12-19
9-12-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …We know that the Financial Management Law was written and passed in parliament in order for parliament through the financial committee to take charge of the monetary reforms and force the CBI to perform their job. Up to this point the CBI had excuse after excuse as to why it could not proceed. We read about all the corruption in the CBI. We heard about the necessity to replace all the proxy positions with permanent positions. Then we watched it happen. The announcement came out about the replace of the director of the CBI and he was supposed to take his position in early September. …Yes, we still expect the formal announcement of the new Governor of the CBI any day now…
9-12-2019 Newshound Guru Kathy Article: “Maliki denies allegations of smuggling Iraqi treasury money” Quote: “The security authorities at Dubai airport seize a shipment of funds full of dollars stolen from the treasury of Iraq, estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars on a private Iraqi plane belonging to Nuri al-Maliki, which was intended to be smuggled to a European country “This money is equivalent to the budget of 10 Arab countries for five years.” Equal to 10 Arab countries budgets for five years! Holy Cow!
9-12-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 …they are now ready to show them pictures of the new small category notes…IMO the CBI is being very cautious. They have to be very careful. Fractional banking is of great concern to the CBI because they do not want this reinstatement to fail with the citizens. They are not going to come out with the coins like we’ve been telling you. But they are talking about the fils. The citizens need to understand what the fils are about…each dinar is worth 1000 fils…so let’s not worry about the coins…
9-11-2019 Newshound Guru Frank26 …there was an incident…Billions, I mean BILLIONS of [US] dollars were stolen…the United Arab Emirates says that the security authorities at Dubai International Airport reported intercepted a shipment containing a massive quantity of American dollar bank notes. The officials searched a private plane belonging to…wait for it… former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki…
9-11-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “CENTRAL BANK OF IRAQ HAS BEGUN STEPS TO JOIN THE OFFICIAL FORUM OF MONETARY AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS (OMFIF)” Quote: “…(OMFIF), an independent global think tank for central banks, pension funds and financial institutions with investment assets worth $36.2 trillion.” Article: “SUITABLE CONDITIONS FOR THE WORK OF INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES AND ENCOURAGE FOREIGN INVESTMENTS” What? And you think they are postponing the project to delete the zeros again? Give me a break!
9-11-2019 Newshound Guru Breitling Why are [brokers] willing to pay a lot more than they used to to buy your dinar back? They’re selling it to these guys [large currency investors] that’s why. It’s that simple…It’s hard getting money out of Iraq. It’s not easy. It would come from Iraq to Jordan to the United States. And from the banking industry in the United States it went from the [CBI] auction floor to Bank of America to Chase Bank. And that’s where I bought my currency – Chase Bank. So that’s a couple routes on how that currency gets here. But it’s dried up. That system doesn’t work anymore. So there isn’t as much dinar in the market…
9-11-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ I am still hearing very good things today. Reno has gone very quiet…People are being put under NDA’s We are told. Today is still looking very positive… Will it be a numbers day? I am staying home today watching everything closely…Just be prepared in case…
9-11-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “A STUDY TO DELETE ZEROS FROM THE NATIONAL CURRENCY” IS THE PROJECT TO DELETE THE ZEROS POSTPONED AGAIN? This article led us to believe that in fact it has been postponed again. Is this true? …This article …is NOT telling us they are postponing again the project to delete the zeros. What gets lost in the translation from Arabic to English is they are telling us in the past this is what happened and why it was postponed…
9-11-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “A STUDY TO DELETE ZEROS FROM THE NATIONAL CURRENCY” IS THE PROJECT TO DELETE THE ZEROS POSTPONED AGAIN? This article led us to believe that in fact it has been postponed again. Is this true? …This article …is NOT telling us they are postponing again the project to delete the zeros. What gets lost in the translation from Arabic to English is they are telling us in the past this is what happened and why it was postponed…
9-11-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …So we know the Finance Committee has made the effort to tell us in the past weeks, with a barrage of articles that they were considering going ahead (and will probably go head) with the project. I also know that they are now re-educating of the citizens via billboards and televised broadcast on the how the project to delete the zeros will work…Iraq CAN NOT go much longer without the reinstatement and the launching of the smaller category notes. Today we have three (3) other articles telling us they are connecting with international organizations for the purpose of doing business with the international world..