Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-8-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-8-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-8-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Al-Kazemi and Parliamentary Economy Discuss the White Paper prepared by the Council of Ministers”. “Al-Kazemi: The government prepared a white paper for the expected reforms” …what were they prepared for? Were they prepared for people to constantly say, when is it going to happen? Why haven’t they pulled the trigger? What’s the matter? It’s never going to happen. You guys are being misled.’ No. The government of Iraq is not playing games and the reason why is because Kazemi was put in there by the President of the United States…Donald Trump wants everybody to play fair with the currency of the Untied States. And that’s why they shut down the auctions…the evidence before you is so clear. So obvious…monetary reform is soon to be announced and the world is pouring into help them with…economic reforms…

7-8-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “A “serious” note from specialists and interested in the money market .. Has Iraq resorted to printing the currency?” Quote: “This year, we entered the seventh month, and the banks distributed all new!!!” The new “edition” money is looking to be a poylmer strengthened paper. imo…it is not adding up that this is not more than just replacing old notes… We have heard that there were leaks about money movements. …They need to bring value to the currency to make them acceptable to those who will receive payments in the Dinar for imports. Again, Alak has been hard at work. Making sure he has the Stock Market and Money Exchanger’s on board and up to snuff “international regulation compliant” wise too.! …So from my view this looks very promising… And…this may very well be more leakage if not flat out education a change is coming… imo We shall see…

7-8-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [vis PDK] [Have exchanges started in Canada?] I am confidant they have not started in Canada. This is from banking contacts at Royal Bank and Scots. I have a number of different bank connections and Whales there. Noone has confirmed any exchanges there. They blatantly said it has not started. …And speaking with attorneys out west…they are really leaning on them to not share any info…and to stay close, within an hour two of being in position. I still feel like we are close. I am really tired of all the smoke and dis-information…very frustrating.

7-8-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …I dreamed about a very big meeting. A sit-down meeting is coming up with a U.S. delegations, including the Fab 4 and Pompeyo as well, to introduced a new exchange rate for the Iraqi dinar prior to or during this meeting…the IMF was there. The World Bank. The United States Treasury. Representatives of the White House for President Donald Trump. The AMF. In my dream I saw the GOI and CBI meeting and talking about the introduction of a new exchange rate for the Iraqi dinar…everyone was there. They were standing shoulder to shoulder to make the announcement of a new exchange rate for their currency…the main reason was just to announce this but to “sell” the announcement to the citizens…the citizens must see that all of these shoulders to shoulders are standing united…

7-7-2020 Intel Guru Footforward […will I have to have receipts for tax purposes?] I honestly don’t know if anyone really knows how this will be taxed yet. Receipts help potentially but I don’t have receipts for all of mine either. There are alot of ways to defer taxes too. [Consult your tax professional at the appropriate time.]

7-7-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “I bought my dinars 15 years ago and I lost my receipt…I need my receipt when I go and exchange my currency?” No you don’t. It’s your currency. You possess it. If you were audited by our government and they wanted proof of purchase when you bought it to determine what percentage capital gains tax you’re gonna pay yeah you better have a receipt…that’s about paying your income tax… Question: “I lost my “certificate of authenticity?” Ain’t anybody gonna ask you for no certificate of authenticity silly rabbit. They’re gonna take them [dinars] and they’re gonna run it through their books or their machines and they’re gonna tell you this is legal or not…that certificate of authenticity is nothing more than a business card… [Note: Speak with your tax professionals at the appropriate time]

7-7-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Today is Tuesday and we will quickly move through July. There will be no revaluation or reinstatement, this I can say with certainty…I have checked with my CBI contact and they do want to execute the last phase of the project to delete the zeros, however they must have the political incentive to do it too and this they do not currently have. Yes, the currency auctions do still continue but under the supervision of the finance committee. Yes, the CBI did stop the currency auctions but all they did was turn them over to the finance committee for supervision. Get it? Folks, there is no other way they can import goods and services without these auctions…

7-7-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat But the good news, if there is any, is that discussion with the stakeholders from the private sector, suggesting Iraq must stop the currency auctions now, which they say is the hard currency bleeding on money out of Iraq. In light of the suffocating financial crisis that the country is going through, by stopping the work of the window of currency sale it will help immediately in helping the crisis. …Remember these auctions were never meant to continue and they are way overdue to end. But corruption keeps them going as billions are illegally funneled out of Iraq to Iran.

7-7-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …What I am being told from 3 different locations is Asia, Europe and out west (Treasury west I like to call it-Reno) that there are meetings this afternoon to set a definitive time scale or schedule. There are many people with appointments on Wed and Thurs of this week. I am hopeful that this could be it…We are very close…you can see it from everything happening in the world.

7-7-2020 Intel Guru Delta …the raising of the value can take all the way down till September…July is out the window for me. They already started paying the salaries for July…for them to come out and tell us they do have salaries all the way down to August then it’s logic that we might not see anything till September…I’d love to see this tonight or tomorrow but there’s some work they need to do..

7-7-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff when you see them bring forth the budget that’s when you’re gonna see the rate change. It’s that simple. Just follow the movement of a budget and this will literally walk you right to the finish line. You’re gonna know they’re gonna change the rate…That’s why they’re very clearly hiding a budget from you. Does not get any more cut and dry or easier than that. The facts favor this year more than ever…the “white paper” and the “analyzing the exchange rate” is a game plan and a form of setting the stage to strongly change the rate…this year…