Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-3-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-3-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-3-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 All of you that are going to exchange your dinars into American dollars, where are those dinars going? Into our U.S. Treasury. You think we can pay off the deficit? Yeah in a blink of an eye…

7-3-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy In the 1930’s…You used to be able to get $4.86 for every Iraqi dinar you had. This continued on up until…1950’s. Then all of a sudden the value started to go down for decades. Once you got to about 1971…$2.80…Then it went back up…$3.22…Then in 1973…$3.39. This continued to about 1980…and has been in a steady decline ever since…

7-3-2023 Intel Guru yada Fear not! This currency will change because the demands of the budget will require it. It will not and can not operate successfully at 1300-1.

7-2-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Have you picked up the pattern…? We’re talking about the national currency of Iraq. Not the program 3-zero punished currency they have. We’re talking about the national currency with the new exchange rate that is soon to come to the citizens of Iraq as promised by the CBI and Sudani. This is the vehicle they will use to go international. To float. To trade. To gain value for the Iraqi dinar.

7-2-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Top 10 weakest Currencies in The World In 2023″ As you go down the list Iran [#1] is one of them, which is not surprising. They’re going through sanctions. Vietnam dong is the other one [#2]…Quote: “The currency is highly devalued currently but the chances are high for the currency improving considering the improvement in the economy.” Did you see that? This is coming from Forbes. May 5, 2023…Iraqi dinar is 10th on the list…As you get their ducks in a row you’re going to start to see the value of their currency increase…

7-2-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] Now that the budget is in the Gazette what’s next? To show the new exchange rate. If the rate is not in the budget remember they can change it at any moment because this budget has already been calculated for the 45 trillion dinar required. IMSO 1300 is not the rate of this budget. What is the rate of the budget? To go from trillions to billions.

7-2-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man They’re saying Iraq ranks ninth in the world, that their raw wealth exceeds $15 trillion. That’s massive…And they have a currency exchange rate at 1310? …the Real Effective Exchange Rate is not 1310…this is the first time I ever recall Salih or anybody else come out and say Iraq’s value [$15 Trillion]. What they’re doing to me in my view is they’re supporting they’re going to make a move and they’re giving justification why they can support a Real Effective Exchange Rate.

7-2-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “Will you hold them [Iraqi dinars] or exchange them right away?” I will exchange maybe 10% of what I’ve got and hold on to the rest of it as I watch it slowly increase during the float… [NOTE: At the appropriate time, consult your financial advisors to build the best exchange strategy for your unique circumstances.]

7-2-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni The Securities law will soon be before the House of Representative. This is something we’ve been talking about for a couple of years…I thought that was great because if they’re going to activate the Iraq Stock Exchange for international transactions it’s a big deal…this opens the door for so many things that are directly related to the dinar.

7-2-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Advisor to the Prime Minister: The market value of Iraq’s raw wealth exceeds $15 trillion” Quote: “Iraq is one of the most important countries in the world, if not at the forefront of nations rich in natural resources or raw materials within the scope of the international classification of resources on the globe,”

7-2-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 They are de-dollarizing Iraq. Why are they lowing the exchange rate of the American dollar? You automatically increase the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar…the national sovereign currency of that country.

7-2-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat article from Dec 15, 2021: “MUDHHER SALIH, OUTLINED THE IMPORTANCE OF THE WHITE PAPER
AND ITS REFLECTION ON THE ECONOMIC REALITY” I will remind you once again it’s the White Paper that is going to get us to the reinstatement … I also point out the clause that says they intend to move back to FOREX or a FOREX like global trading platform for the currency. Folks if you have been following the news since January you can clearly see the parallels from what is happening on the ground to this plan…it is moving ahead.

7-2-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Question: “Is Iraq and the CBI collecting 3-zero notes?” No they’re not collecting them right now. If they were there’d be a redenomination…trust me we don’t want to go that route if we can avoid it. I prefer the exchange rate happen in increments and they slowly remove the higher denomination. This way we benefit from a higher exchange rate.

7-2-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Member Question: Does a contract rate make sense when it is time to exchange …or do you think its just going to be an international rate? Militia Man: I have heard lots of different things on that…personally I think we are going to see one exchange rate that’s going to be managed by the CBI and central banks in the region…