Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-29-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-29-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-29-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …what did we say last week? Iraq is international…the international world knows this don’t they…if you’re a shark, if you’re a whale you can smell blood in the ocean right now. And that’s what these guys do – these shark these whales, these companies, these entities, these treasury departments, in other words those who have powerful super dollars, big dollars, big bucks. They know when to buy the Iraqi dinar. NOW! And they’re buying it left and right. You’re seeing the proof of it…What’s missing is the announcement… how is it they know? I call it the “white papers”…what do the white papers contain? A rate and a date and the HCL stuff…that means banks already know the rate and the date of the Iraqi dinar – when it’s going to be announced don’t they? IMO yes.

7-29-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I know there are lots of rumors floating around about an RV this week… Don’t you think it might be a very good idea to inform the CBI of this impending RV? Don’t they initiate it…? I have said many times already that the CBI will educate the citizens prior to the “project to delete the zeros” and how it will all work. Even though they have done this before they will do it again and again prior to each scheduled attempt. I have talked to my sources in the CBI and they have told me to watch for this re-education and announcements from the CBI as our cue as we get closer to the RV. What more can they tell us? The only thing more would be a date and they are not going to do that, as least directly. However, the CBI has scheduled the project to delete the zeros already three (3) time that we can confirm and know of as a FACT… So if this project was going to be executed in July then where is (was) the news from the CBI? …There is no news and thus no RV. But this is not the only reason for no RV now.

7-29-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Where do we stand today? …First, I want to re-emphasize that we will NOT see the RV in July. I know they did have plans to try to do it but even way back in early June they decided they could not piece it all together in time. They want a “level playing field” with the currencies in the middle east and so they are attempting to do it. Iran, once again, is the obstacle and causing delays on this process. …I am possibly seeing a window in August but I do not see the CBI firming this as of yet. They are not taking the action necessary to progress in this direction. They should now be re-educating the public if this was the case. They are not. We might be heading for an early 2021 window again. We just have to wait it out and see. But we do know this nonsense of delay, delay can not go on much longer.

7-28-2020 Newshound Guru Militiaman …it all comes back to the pressure that’s on these guys to do what? Raise their exchange rate. And their words specifically say ‘the exchange rate is one of the keys to our solution.’ To me that’s big big stuff…

7-28-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …without putting too much hopium into what’s going to happen, I’m waiting for the Finance Minister of Iraq to possibly make some very interesting announcements this week. Let’s see what happens. I don’t want to say too much but we’re definitely monitoring it. One thing that can help restore the sovereignty of Iraq is for them to have the restrictions removed off of their currency so they could be a sovereign nation and start dealing with the international community…something tells me there’s going to be some very interesting news here between now and the first week of August. Something that you could feel very happy about…

7-28-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …We believe Iraq is about to make a very huge payment in the form of IQD…We don’t know who. We don’t know why. But we do know it’s a very huge payment (billions and billion) and it will be in the form of IQD’s. It might be a payment to Kuwait. It might be to Saudi Arabia. They either already made this payment in IQD’s…Or they’re in the process of doing it. IMO this is because somebody knows the new exchange rate of the IQD is coming. To receive payment in Iraqi dinars in a large amount like that it is very indicative of someone knows something about that currency. It’s pretty obvious isn’t it? …I bought my dinar on April of 2004. I’ve had my currency going on 17 years and no where in those 17 years did I ever ever feel that the exchange rate was that imminent as I feel it right now. The evidence is very clear…somebody knows…

7-28-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra …the budget. We haven’t seen the budget. They haven’t shown the budget. Why? What’s in the budget that they don’t want to show us? It’s the rate. It has to be…”coincidences” are aligning to demonstrate a great need for change. And the “white papers” even dictate that the change occurs with the change in rate…I see a lot of alignment going on for now rather than later…There are a lot of coincidences aligning with a timed event that has got to be coming up here pretty quick.

7-28-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] All my group leaders sure think this is our week…this is the first time they have all agreed…so I am excited about that…My group leaders contacts have been telling me for over a week that they are expecting something Tonight – Tuesday night/Early Wednesday. They feel very confident that this will be a fantastic week…My folks in Iraq have not heard anything on timing…I even had a local banker reach out to me and say they could match whatever the redemption center can offer…and to keep him in mind when this thing goes…so even those guys are ramping up. [I think Labor Day will open the flood gates being just 60 days from the elections.] I still think it will be sooner.

7-28-2020 Intel Guru Delta …what I’m expecting from the Central Bank to do – I’m expecting them to tell me the same thing what Allaq did in 2016. Exactly a mirror like that announcement. What he said at that time was in early 2017 we are going to lift the 3 zeros and introduce smaller denominations. That’s what I’m waiting for…They have to have a time-frame and based on the experience of the CBI they always give people a month, two months in advance…they can raise the value but in the case of Iraq they have to introduce lower denominations too and that is the problem. That’s why you need time to do that…

7-28-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …March of last year…Iraq introduced us to the Financial Management Law…it’s a tool that will be used to commission the rate change…this first article is an older one from March 20, 2019: “Parliamentary move to raise the price of the dinar and maintain the stability of inflation” …they explain the Financial Administration Law to us and how it’s…a tool used to commission the rate change. Let’s look at the article from yesterday Article: “The Government and parliament are considering approving two budgets” …One for the remainder of this year and one for next year of 2021… Quote: “…expressing his belief there will be no federal budget for the year of 2020 and the government will complete this year according to the Financial Management Law.”

7-28-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …this is huge…the Financial Management Law – that is the tool used to commission the rate change…they’re telling you they’re about to restructure their budget for the second half of this year under the guidance and control of the Financial Management Law…see how huge this is?…notice how they brought you the “White Papers”. Also notice how they went into great detail about reviewing the exchange rate and notice how they’re doing this as they’re finishing the first half of their year approaching the second half of their year. September is red hot…this article is amazing…

7-28-2020 Guest Guru Austin-Powers-For-PM …Normally I’d say that it is entirely possible they’d kick the can down range another 6 months to a year. They’ve been doing this for 10+ years and nothing would stop them to do that again. However, now it’s different. You have a P.M. who isn’t kissing Iran’s rear end. You have things blowing up all over Iran and putting things out of commission. You have a President facing re-election who needs something dramatic to get reelected. You have a global cash liquidity crisis that needs to be dealt with NOW! You have IQD prices going through the roof because nobody can get it. Something BIG is going to happen between now and January 2nd, and I believe before then. I have other reasons that I believe this time somethings in the works, but in any case, the earth is moving. How fast is hard to tell, but believe this is coming.