Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-28-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-28-2020
7-28-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …March of last year…Iraq introduced us to the Financial Management Law…it’s a tool that will be used to commission the rate change…this first article is an older one from March 20, 2019: “Parliamentary move to raise the price of the dinar and maintain the stability of inflation” …they explain the Financial Administration Law to us and how it’s…a tool used to commission the rate change. Let’s look at the article from yesterday Article: “The Government and parliament are considering approving two budgets” …One for the remainder of this year and one for next year of 2021… Quote: “…expressing his belief there will be no federal budget for the year of 2020 and the government will complete this year according to the Financial Management Law.”
7-28-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …this is huge…the Financial Management Law – that is the tool used to commission the rate change…they’re telling you they’re about to restructure their budget for the second half of this year under the guidance and control of the Financial Management Law…see how huge this is?…notice how they brought you the “White Papers”. Also notice how they went into great detail about reviewing the exchange rate and notice how they’re doing this as they’re finishing the first half of their year approaching the second half of their year. September is red hot…this article is amazing…
7-28-2020 Guest Guru Austin-Powers-For-PM …Normally I’d say that it is entirely possible they’d kick the can down range another 6 months to a year. They’ve been doing this for 10+ years and nothing would stop them to do that again. However, now it’s different. You have a P.M. who isn’t kissing Iran’s rear end. You have things blowing up all over Iran and putting things out of commission. You have a President facing re-election who needs something dramatic to get reelected. You have a global cash liquidity crisis that needs to be dealt with NOW! You have IQD prices going through the roof because nobody can get it. Something BIG is going to happen between now and January 2nd, and I believe before then. I have other reasons that I believe this time somethings in the works, but in any case, the earth is moving. How fast is hard to tell, but believe this is coming.
7-28-2020 Intel Guru Delta …what I’m expecting from the Central Bank to do – I’m expecting them to tell me the same thing what Allaq did in 2016. Exactly a mirror like that announcement. What he said at that time was in early 2017 we are going to lift the 3 zeros and introduce smaller denominations. That’s what I’m waiting for…They have to have a time-frame and based on the experience of the CBI they always give people a month, two months in advance…they can raise the value but in the case of Iraq they have to introduce lower denominations too and that is the problem. That’s why you need time to do that…
7-27-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra …If I was going to use two words today to describe all the articles coming out in the last 72 hours it would be “strategic confusion”…there’s some interesting development that I think we need to bring up…they are so desperate for cash they are offering people to deposit their money into the banks…I saw two articles. One said they are offering double the return and other article said they’re offering a 10% interest rate. The only way I could see them making double the return is if they were given double the purchasing power or triple or quadruple the purchasing power. The key here is the liquidity factor is still an issue within the country of Iraq…they are essentially borrowing from the people themselves so they can turn around and pay them…
7-27-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …gold and silver IMO are slowly increasing in value walking you to the timing of the rate change. As well as the dollar devaluing so that way when the rate does change it will strengthen the US dollar so the dollar can actually go back up in value…The dollar is already high. It was well over 100 cents so it would make sense that if they are going to gold backed they would have to devalue the dollar to give it wiggle room to go back up when they or if they go gold-backed…
7-27-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy There is talk about Iraq going back to its normal fiscal period…the year would start in April. Their half year would be October. That’s what it used to be and that would line them up with other Arab nations that are all part of the Arab Monetary Fund…Let’s see if inside this new budget we do see the rate change. That’ll be really nice… Quote: “…revealed the handing over of the 2020 budget to the house of representative next October. Staring to work on a budget of 2021. Noting it would be delivered to the parliament in October noting that it would be studied and approved early” …October seems to be a big month for a lot of reasons…Something about this month of October. You know there’s the rumors of when Trump’s going to be meeting with IMF bank. We’ll see what happens there. Obviously they’re putting forward their budget in October as well. This could all mean something or maybe it won’t. We’ll keep an eye on it.
7-27-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [Things seem quiet in regards to dong and dinar…] …it has been. Intel has been very quiet. Alot of rumors. Very few people willing to talk. I like where we are at. [Iraq announced budget for 2021 will be completed by October. September could be the RV month.] there will be a bit of misdirection on timing. So while most watch September I watch now.
7-27-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] There sure is a lot of chatter we are there this week. We see the groundhog again today as there was no movement this weekend. But, there are a lot of large group leaders who expect to see it Tuesday Night to Wednesday morning. These are some of the biggest groups in the game. We are going to watch it. I am a firm believer we are about to see this soon…We are watching things unfold and watching things line up.
7-27-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “Ministerial Round-table discussions express support for Iraqi government economic reforms” I’ve been telling you that the “white paper” is the roadmap for the new economic system to be launched which includes the rate change. Article quote: “Dr. Allawi said the the new Iraqi government is committed to submitting a wide-ranging White Paper to Parliament in September 2020 which will set out a roadmap to reorient the Iraqi economy…” They’re telling you right here it’s going to be submitted to parliament in September 2020…doesn’t get any more clear than that…