Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-27-2021
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-27-2021
7-27-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 I was really surprised Kazemi went to D.C…IMO what you’re seeing in this Washington D.C trip is really what’s going on with the WTO…Kazemi is in DC working on the monetary reform indirectly satisfying the requirements of the WTO. All of this being done with the U.S. Treasury…
7-27-2021 Intel Guru Fleming Monday Night RV Report: Our military intel contact said that his info is that everyone behind the scenes is being told the shotgun start is any moment this week going forward…Iraqi PM Kadhimi (=Kazemi) and the Iraqi delegation are in meetings today in DC concerning Iraqi – USA economic and business agreements, security agreements and the reduction of US military presence in Iraq, and about Iraq being inducted into the WTO for which Iraq needs the new IQD RV rate that it has now and that is posted on Forex behind the scenes…
7-27-2021 Intel Guru Fleming the RV rates of the 23 currencies in the first basket are posted to Forex behind the scenes and at the right time the rates will be published publicly…WF upper level bankers and wealth managers were told over the past weekend to report to their banks and redemption centers today Mon 26 July, to be ready for “major changes” (a clear reference to the RV release and shotgun start + exchanges starting)
7-26-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Kazemi was in DC today talking about troop removal, working on a better relationship with the Us and talking about American investments in Iraq and how stable they are. I think that was the key info we are looking for.
7-26-2021 Newshound Guru Breitling Question: “Do the high oil prices help or hinder the revaluation” Iraq was pressured when oil prices down. They were being pressured and right now that pressure is not there but that hasn’t stopped them at all.
7-26-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy I can’t promise there’s going to be an RI or RV because nobody out there knows. That is the honest to God truth…Is it possible? Of course it is. Has it happened before in history? More than once…you don’t have to watch for some magical announcement. We can pay attention to what’s going on in the country, in their economy, in their stability…their commodities…geopolitics in the area…all contribute to the value of their currency…
7-26-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy We all want to wake up one day and hear…they just announced it – We’re gonna do 3 American dollars for one dinar. Will that happen? Yes it’s possible. I’m not saying it’s not…the United Nations/the United Security Council have all said the same thing – that when the value of the dinar was devalued it was at a rate of 3+ dollars. That’s every 1 Iraqi dinar you exchanged you got 3 American dollars. And they said there’s no reason for it not to go back to that rate…if I didn’t have faith in it I wouldn’t own it.
7-26-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] One of the key things to watch right now is the Iraqi Prime Minister Kazemi is in DC right now. Working on what? We are they are working on the implementation of business deals between the US and Iraq. Also some security issues and removal of some US troops. So watch today because Kazemi is in DC with members of his government cutting deals. Hopefully also talking about the release of the RV and the exchange of their currency.
7-26-2021 Intel Guru Holly Kazemi is to meet in Washington DC today. It is to be an announcement that they are part of the WTO (world trade organization). The USA is sponsoring them in. They need a rate change and an international currency…. Something big should be coming…
7-26-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 The Minister of Finance and the Minister of Planning and Saleh…they know. The citizens know. The international community knows – that a change is coming to both of these things – their currency and their exchange rate…