Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-24-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-24-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-24-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Question: “[What are the] best places to turn in foreign currency?” Foreign currencies as long as there’s no restrictions on them you should be able to turn them into your bank…just ask them in advance…just say, ‘If I bought foreign currency and I needed to exchange it can I buy it and exchange it here?’ If they say what kind of currency just say “any kind”. Don’t tell them anything specifically because Iraq has restrictions on it and they’ll say no they don’t do Iraqi dinar. Just hang tight and once the restrictions are off then consider that…

7-24-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: “Minister of Finance: 300 thousand “space” employees in Iraq” Quote: “Allawi explained that the issues that were buried because of the large and growing oil revenues are now evolving, and this includes payments for an estimated 300,000 “ghost” or fictional employee ” This is probably more accurately translated as “Ghost employees”, a corruption issue for a long time now and one of the big reasons no one wants to just give them money for “salaries”. It would all go to these corrupt politicians via this sham payroll scam. The good news – the MoF is going after them in an open, honest, legal fashion.

7-24-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I told everyone weeks ago to bash your hopes of any RV during the month of July. There are way too many pieces still to fix and work out prior. But I know for a fact the project to delete the zeros is going to take place sooner than later. They are also planning a new CBI governor replacement.

7-23-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Where will we as investors see the rate has changed 1 to 1? On the CBI website. When? Probably when you wake up one morning. Why? Because when you’re asleep they’re up working very hard…unless you’re up at 3 or 4 in the morning you’re not gonna see it until the next day when you wake up…

7-23-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy There’s a lot of people in the group they always feel this is never going to happen. I get that…it’s been stretched out over years. Over 10 years. 15 years for people. So I get that their frustration. If I may make a suggestion…you can go ‘I’m done. This isn’t going to happen.’ Sell your currency back. And ignore it all together. Or what you could do instead of driving yourself crazy. Cut off the news for a little bit. That includes me…If everyday you’re waking up with anticipation I would imagine there are only so many times you can be let down…this is why people shouldn’t say dates or rates. The truth of the matter is nobody knows…be grounded. Be calm. It is going to happen. That’s my opinion. It appears to be happening very very soon. You can see all the signs that are here…hang tight, be cool and have faith…

7-23-2020 Intel Guru Delta …I’m gonna stick to my personal opinion even though the team does not agree with me…I wish and I hope and I pray to God I’m wrong 1000% but I’m leaning toward September…

7-23-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Where do we stand for the RV?
…I am not looking for anything in July. There are just too many pieces still to put in place to make this happen. Also we are moving into August soon and so I see a possible window opening if certain actions are taken. But I do know for a FACT that they are not going to wait until January 2021 if they can help it. They need to be on the FOREX trading now and so are pushing aggressively now to make it all happen. Also, ISX is now trading the Iraqi dinar like a currency exchange and this is a very, very good sign too. When ISX comes live on NASDAQ this will be the time they also put the dinar back to the currency exchanges. I look at the ISX move now as a testing ground for the dinar with investors.

7-23-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …Remember I told you the articles are saying “something new”, “new mechanism”. The word “exchange rate” is being used tremendously. And the reason why is because they have a rate and date for the exchange rate. It’s hot news. It’s out there… Article: “The Iraqi economy…the predicament of the situation and the problems of the solution” They are talking about their financial crisis…when it’s all said and done… Quote: “The exchange rate is one of the “keys” to the solution” …we have to increase the exchange rate of our currency, not decrease it, against the American dollar…isn’t that cool…I’m all for it!

7-23-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Its 7-23…I never thought we would still be here waiting…I am tired of living in Punxatawney. […kuwait took few months and iqd 20 years lol.] Kuwait definently took much less time. I have some really good redemption center contacts and they have been put on “High Alert”. Banking centers have been told to stay very, very close. They were told to not make any plans for this weekend….they are expecting that they will have to work. This is the most positive sign I have seen in quite awhile.

7-23-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Just because Trump says he recognizes their sovereignty doesn’t mean it happens instantaneously. Having said that it doesn’t mean I’m kicking the can down the road. I think it’s going to happen shortly after that…I think what happens is probably a week or two later you’ll see this done. It’s going to be shortly after the speech. But we just want to hear it be done. Then sometime shortly after that we will see what the rate it going to be on the Iraqi dinar as it gets on the Forex trading…