Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-20-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-20-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-20-2020 Intel Guru Footforward I’m very leery on this “the RV has happened they just haven’t told anyone” stuff. Because that’s impossible. You either have RV’d or you haven’t. If they have, the new rate will be in and on forex. You can’t have a secret in country rv. It doesn’t work. They can be ready to go and ready to pull the trigger. But once it’s pulled, you can’t hide it…This can go any day. But until we…can cash out, we don’t really have an RV…

7-20-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ Was very quiet this weekend…I’ve gone back and forth with a number of banking contacts. They are hearing there will be a release and funding tomorrow. Many of the redemption centers have been told they will see us this week. That is the chatter and I am hearing it from all over the place. Stories out of Europe about the corruption in the Iraq government…the new government is still cleaning it up. I have heard so much chatter about the 21st, the 22nd and the 23rd. From government sources, from press sources and others all over the place that we are about to see some land-breaking huge stuff over that 2-3 day period…Overall the news is great!!

7-19-2020 Intel Guru Delta Article: “Forex Trading in Iraq” (smile) Quotes: “Thanks to international Forex Brokers steadily expanding into Iraq, it’s now possible for Iraqi citizens and travelers to get involved in the forex market.” “Our guide will help you learn more about how you can begin trading forex in Iraq, how to open a brokerage account and will introduce you to a few beginner trading strategies.” [I would venture to guess that right now it’s educating the Iraqi citizens how to trade on Forex, when a new international rate is exposed imo.]

7-19-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …this week here is going to be very interesting. That’s what I’m really watching closely. I’m expecting a couple things to happen this week. I want to see Kurdistan and Iraq hammer out this agreement. Get it signed…I want to get a thumbs up from our girl Ms Plasschaert and then we want to see Al-Kazemi get over here to meet with Trump…make that announcement [Iraq sovereignty]. That’s what I’m looking forward to. That’s what I’m hoping should happen this week coming up. Let’s keep our fingers crossed. We’ll keep an eye on it and see what happens. Hopefully we’ll get some good news really really soon…

7-19-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 Today Iraq was blacklisted by the European Union due to money laundering and corruption that still exists. This will…can become a big problem for Iraq to gain any international status being on this list. The US saying there’s no time set for PM Al- Kadhimi to visit and today Al-Kadhimi is saying it is due to the virus and Trump’s schedule.

7-19-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …even at 50 cents who’s going to complain and cry about that? But the numerous recalculations did not agree with 50 cents. It agreed with being on par with the American dollar 1-to-1. One to one at the onset – at the announcement of their new exchange rate. Later they will float the Iraqi dinar in order to increase its international value. That’s where we come in IMO. [Guru] Walkingstick and I feel that this 50 cents information was leaked on purpose but now it is of no value to the true value…