Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-15-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-15-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-15-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “Al-Kadhimi: We have a plan to reform the financial and administrative system to free itself from oil slavery” Prior to June they were just coming out telling you they really needed to do things to improve their economy, attract and promote investment, that kind of thing…started in July they dialed in a little deeper on all that…They came out with the “white paper” – remember the white paper is the roadmap for the whole rate change and the whole economy structure. It’s how they want their economy going forward but it also has everything in it for the rate change as well…it’s very important to watch and observe what they do and what they tell us right now…

7-15-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra Article: “An economist warns against Iraq facing the fate and financial crisis of Lebanon” Quote: “the price of the dinar, if it falls, the value of salaries decreases very significantly, although the number remains the same.” Here we are again with another commentary on decreasing value of the dinar. That is off the table as a solution and the CBI knows it. We all know that lowering the dinar value reduces the PP [Purchasing Power ?] of all Iraqi’s and that is “not” the direction they are going as evidence in the actions being taken with the “White Paper!!” …So, relax, the plan is afoot and great things are coming. Posts like this to me are educating the citizenry why they will “not” devalue their currency as the plan is to provide even greater PP then they have ever seen! To me, this is a friendly reminder of why they are focused on a better future!!! All IMO..

7-15-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …Every day it looks like we’re closer and closer. Not only that there’s a move right now by the UN to reestablish the sovereignty of Iraq. I told you they were gonna do that didn’t I say this was gonna be their goal. That’s what we’re hoping for…

7-14-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Leaders of Iraq Vietnam and Zimbabwe are here in America to talk to Trump. As I understand it Iraq arrived in DC yesterday with some high-level meetings starting today. Would it make sense for some announcements of a change in the Iraqi currency since they are here? They will not only be in DC but also in New York…which is home to the UN. I am looking for this to be an absolutely huge week of news and movement.

7-14-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “He revealed the files of Al Kazemi’s upcoming visit to Washington”. Why in the world is the Prime Minister of Iraq going to Washington DC? To play tiddlywinks? Just a friendly little chat and visit? …the relationship between the United States and Iraq has become very strategic. A dialogue has been established. Why? Because they met the benchmarks.

7-14-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra …there is a lot happening behind the scenes that we can’t comment on. I know there are things I know that I can’t comment on that are occurring from a global perspective because of what I do. I want to encourage you that this train is coming in. It has too. There are too many things that are going on extraneously outside of just the Iraqi dinar that is making this happen. The fact that you are in this now is a gift from God. I would implore you to ask him for guidance and direction as to what you do with this money. Be discerning. There are a lot of wolves out there. I would hate you guys to study and listen and lose it because you didn’t think through it…we’re seeing the fine print begin tapped out because this contract is ready to be done…the progress being made is phenomenal. It’s exciting. Yes there are hiccups…but they’re getting there. They’re getting it done…there isn’t much left to do…we’re at a point now where they have to make their move and it’s going to be soon…

7-14-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] The first appointment that I know of where people could receive dollars is supposed to be today…so could it happen today? Possibly, but no one knows for sure. There is very positive things from Iraq with the expectation of a new rate Wednesday or Saturday. Chatter out of Zurich, Hong Kong and Dubai…also Miami and Richmond which have been suddenly tapped to help handle exchange stuff. They are all talking about appointments with liquidity and moving forward. Nobody knows the date…but everybody thinks it’s close…I am excited about the news that they are positioned for exchanges…

7-14-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Article “The Central Bank Participates In the Bani Platform”. This is extremely important for you to pay close attention to. This is also dealing with the IBBC…they’re saying that the Central Bank is participating now in different platforms…If you look up that word platform when it comes to banking it stands for international communication between banks…why in the world would a program rate that is sanctioned on the United Nations Security Council need platforms with banks from Iraq to have a platform communication with banks outside of Iraq? It’s a program rate for crying out loud. They’re not Article VIII for crying out loud. They’re not international but when you see these types of footsteps…follow these tracks follow the money you’ll understand what’s going on…This is the evidence of things not seen yet.

7-14-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra …I’ve been consuming a lot of popcorn. It’s because there’s so much going on it’s kind of like a movie…I’m really focusing on the CBI. I’m looking at what Parliament is doing…I’m looking at many areas of not only Iraq but globally what’s happening macro economically with the price of oil with this pandemic that we’re dealing with. The impact that’s having on everywhere is really quite amazing. What’s a particular interest to me this week has been the activities of all these outside sources that are getting engaged with Iraq…we’re in a place right now that’s very quite quite exciting IMO. It’s exciting to watch. It truly is a play in progress. We’re getting to that final end game…