Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-14-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-14-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-14-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy I want to make something perfectly clear because people are conflating something I’m saying. When I say recognize the sovereignty, that’s a major step towards them getting the reinstatement or revaluing of their currency. Their currency must be recognized internationally again and that won’t happen until they get their sovereignty again and the restriction on their currencies are removed. Somebody’s telling me ‘There is no restrictions.’ Yeah there is. There’s big restriction on the currency. That’s what we’re anticipating. An announcement by Trump that he will recognize and encourage the world to recognize the sovereignty. It would be a huge step and then we want an announcement about the same time or shortly after that the restriction on Iraq’s dinar have been removed and we can start seeing it trade once again on the Forex. That’s what we want to see…I’m expecting these next two weeks to be really big…

7-14-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra …I’ve been consuming a lot of popcorn. It’s because there’s so much going on it’s kind of like a movie…I’m really focusing on the CBI. I’m looking at what Parliament is doing…I’m looking at many areas of not only Iraq but globally what’s happening macro economically with the price of oil with this pandemic that we’re dealing with. The impact that’s having on everywhere is really quite amazing. What’s a particular interest to me this week has been the activities of all these outside sources that are getting engaged with Iraq…we’re in a place right now that’s very quite quite exciting IMO. It’s exciting to watch. It truly is a play in progress. We’re getting to that final end game…

7-14-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Article “The Central Bank Participates In the Bani Platform”. This is extremely important for you to pay close attention to. This is also dealing with the IBBC…they’re sayin that the Central Bank is participating now in different platforms…If you look up that word platform when it comes to banking it stands for international communication between banks…why in the world would a program rate that is sanctioned on the United Nations Security Council need platforms with banks from Iraq to have a platform communication with banks outside of Iraq? It’s a program rate for crying out loud. They’re not Article VIII for crying out loud. They’re not international but when you see these types of footsteps…follow these tracks follow the money you’ll understand what’s going on…This is the evidence of things not seen yet.

7-13-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana …The most important concept to understand today is this: The CBI makes money on every auction, and they will continue to do so forever. When the Dinar changes value, the CBI buys it at a lower rate, and then sells it at a higher rate. The CBI will ALWAYS choose the path that makes them the most money. I agree that a lower rate than Kuwait will be a blow to the ego’s of the Iraqis. I agree that it should be on par with the USD, or even higher. I agree that the rate WILL get there… eventually.

7-13-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana When the Iraqi Dinar is ReValued to a higher rate, it will become more desirable to do business in Iraq. Many people will be less hesitant to sign contracts and invest in Iraq. The current Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISX) should see some major movement… and the CBI (Central Bank of Iraq) is going to make tons of money on the exchanges! I believe that Iraq can sustain a very stable currency at a rate of $3 or higher, but I don’t think they will immediately jump to that rate even if they ultimately desire it to be so…

7-13-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy I would love to see Dr. Shabibi come back. It’s been a rumor. He’s really really super old and I think people that were giving him a lot of hell are no longer really there so it’s a possibility. I’m definitely curious about what if he does come back. It’d be a huge positive step. I think this man knows what the heck he’s doing and I would like to see him get back in control of the Iraqi bank…

7-13-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …the last few months I’ve been putting a huge emphasis on saying Iraq has to have stability before the rate can change. They’re telling you that. If you look at the amount of articles coming out between Erbil which is Kurdistan and Baghdad there’s a lot…this is very serious…Iraq has to have stability, meaning they have to be able to work together before that rate can change, before they can go international…they just need a little more time. They’re using the word “complete” which means ending or completion, towards a comprehensive agreement. So they’re suggesting to us that they’re close to having an agreement reached…

7-13-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …the articles that I’m seeing are showing me that there’s a lot of preparation getting done before Al-Kazemi’s visit over here into the United States…we see the World Bank is there…they’re most likely going to be the people that pull the trigger on a rate change…but we need to get the green light from…the United Nation once again recognizing the sovereignty of Iraqi people and the restrictions moved off their money. We will be eyeballing that. But first we have to get their sovereignty reinstated. That’s what we’re waiting for…