Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-12-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-12-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-12-2017 Newshound Guru hutch The BIS site is now linked to the CBI site…Now Central banks world wide can communicate with CBI.

7-12-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Several economic articles…clearly stating the urgency to activate the market economy in Iraq.

7-12-2017 Newshound Guru mike …anything is possible and I’m just speculating…But, the IMF has told them at every Article IV consultation to stay pegged, close the spread and remove exchange restrictions. That seems like a tall order to accomplish before the end of the year. So far, they’ve haven’t gotten it done. All we need is the political will to make the change to an open market economy and then things could really pick up.

7-12-2017 Intel Guru Bruce We are right at the door…what we heard…is very positive for us. We know we all seemingly had to wait for Iraq to reach certain thresholds, accomplish certain things before this could be released everywhere. That is still the case. However, I would say we now have eclipsed to the point having to wait for Iraq. A lot of interesting things have happened in the last couple of days…we find Iraq fully liberated Mosul from ISIS and ISIS has been eradicated from there and from Iraq in general. That is a very good sign.

7-12-2017 Intel Guru Bruce It has been reported today on the news …Iraq took an extra day to celebrate their freedom, their sovereignty after 4 to 5 days in a row of celebration which included fireworks, and flags. They did this morning [Tuesday] in which they did not open the Iraqi stock exchange today. Why is this significant? We believe had the ISX been opened, their new rate would have been visible. …We do believe they will make the ISX open and available tomorrow [Wednesday] from what we understand. Quite possible the new value of the Iraqi dinar show on the site if they do bring it up tomorrow [Wednesday]. I am excited that Iraq is basically done. Is this the week? We believe it is. We got enough evidence it is coming to us and should be by the end of the week. I am not going to call it, but that is what I am hearing from a number different sources that point to a very good direction for us.

7-11-2017 Newshound Guru tlm724 What an amazing, well earned and courageous victory for Iraq and it’s people! I know [Guru] BondLady would be jumping for joy over the moon and back! Prime Minister Abadi achieved greatness as far as I am concerned. Somehow he managed to get the Security Forces, Iraqi Army, the Peshmerga and the popular crowd along with forces from multiple different countries to actually work together towards a common goal and for the good of the people! This victory is huge for Iraq and for us as investors in Iraq! We have been in a holding pattern for 3 plus years with this terrorism crap but it is time to land now! This stability will be a boon for investors both foreign and domestic and countries all over the world! They have been waiting in the wings to spend their money and now they will! Open wallets insert economic growth! We are on our way babies!

7-11-2017 Newshound Guru chattels Article: “Parliament celebrates the victories of Mosul and to raise its next week” I read where Abadi has made his formal victory announcement / speech. Apparently victory in Mosul is bad for legislative business as the parliament is adjourned to celebrate until Tuesday, July 18.

7-11-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …I think there are two possible scenarios…1. is they float it internally like they did back in 2004 and raise the value deleting the zeros. Or 2. wait and move to Article VIII and let investment and market forces take over. I am not so quick to say; “This event isn’t going to happen any time soon” when the CBI stated just last year they plan to begin the process early 2017. Even with delays, that is a pretty absolute statement.

7-11-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Turns out that last week…Abadi gets a hold of this company…that deals with TAXES and TARIFFS. The company brings in COMMERCIAL GUIDELINES – which must be associated with the new exchange rate and auctions. This company…DeLoitte Middle East…They are established in the Middle East … help companies come into Iraq. These companies are being ushered into Iraq by DeLoitte. By the way DeLoitte is an American company. This was plastered all over Iraqi TV last week. The Iraqi’s know that they are going to be powerful. So … WHY would you waste time/money to help foreign companies come into Iraq at a program rate? IMO … all of this is being done because they are doing something with their exchange rate.