Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-11-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-11-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-11-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 We were the first to bring you IOO…where the CBI has made it clear that we have representation around the world. You could call them satellite banks but I don’t like that. They’re private banks of the CBI…they were first established in the United States…you may be able to go into one of those CBI banks that represent the CBI in the Untied States and exchange them there. You may not want to exchange them into your currency of choice. You may just want to deposit them as Iraqi Dinars. Why? Maybe you’re not satisfied with the exchange rate that came out…maybe you’re waiting for it to be at a higher rate internationally and you want to just store them in there. As soon as the value goes up these banks will go up and the reason why is because the CBI has to retrieve their 3 zeros. They’ve gotten about 70% of them back but the Fab 4 want this to continue…

7-11-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …in DC in 2012 and Dr Shabibi was asked question…what could the Iraqi Dinar support…What would the dinar be worth in US dollars after the revaluation – Dr Shabibi answered his question something to the effect – the Dinar will be able to support a rate of at least $16.00…I remember the question – and I remember Dr Shabibi answering that and I thought WOW – because when we first started we thought man – if this could get to $2 or $3 or back to what the Dinar was worth before it was questioned value which I think was $3.96 something – I thought man that’s going to be awesome – This was 15 years ago – when we looked into it all – almost 16 yrs now…So I was telling you this to let you know that maybe what Dr Shabibi spoke was prophetic…

7-11-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …so far it’s been a consistent stream of very good news…unlike, remember this time last year we were all pumped up and then all of a sudden towards August…everything just blew up in our faces. We are closely excitedly watching what’s going on in Iraq…there are a couple things I’m looking to happen before our boy Al-Kazemi makes his way over yonder here to hang out with Trump. One of them is the agreement between the Kurdistan region and Baghdad…It feels like they’re very very close. That’s what I’m hoping for because it plays a big part in what I think is going to happen…It’s really important…my vision is to see Trump come out and then introduce Al-Kazemi to the world while at the same time encouraging the international community to once again recognize the sovereignty of Iraq while removing the restrictions off their currency…let’s put out some good mojo to make this happen..

7-10-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan They don’t seem to have time to wait from what we/I see. …The recent sounds out of the global entities is about reforms. Fixing global fiscal issues. There are comprehensive mediations going on In Iraq along with the declaration again from the likes of the IMF to fix international fiscal issues too…I’ll be looking for the que, as the timing has already begun. Imo…

7-10-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …we had confirmation that exchanges were being done…in Canada – as well as a number of other countries around the globe – and it may very well be that we are the last country to come into the exchange and redemption process…we know for example what the rates were that people exchanged for in Canada – and I know of exchanges that took place since last Friday…we talked about the Far East having started exchanges as early as the 1st of July – What it amounts to is it’s not that we’re not getting it done – this is a plan where we have the position of going last…why is that? Some of it is based on security concerns – and the other is that the rates that are neighbors to the north are picking up on…the dinar and dong are not going to be the same values that we are going to get – down here in the lower 48 – also include Alaska and Hawaii…they should be higher…

7-10-2020 Intel Guru Bruce …we know that the situation with Iraq is going to be manifest with Iraq sending a delegation of 5 – 6 people to the US to meet with President Trump and to make an announcement – coming in either on Sunday or Monday and they’re going to either announce that they are a sovereign nation along with President Trump and I don’t know who else will be there but it might very well be…our old friend Sinan Al Shabibi…We are very very close – we know the rest of the world has started and we are taking up the rear – and finishing up with our best information from very high sources – we are looking at the announcement with President Trump and Alak “maybe” Dr Shabibi…I am very very excited about where we are right now…realize that it’s coming to us…

7-10-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “A SERIOUS” NOTE FROM SPECIALISTS AND INTERESTED IN THE MONEY MARKET HAS IRAQ RESORTED TO PRINTING THE CURRENCY” …all this article is telling us is that they collected the old money already in circulation each year and distribute new, fresh notes as replacement currency. They normally do this each year at year-end but this year the CBI did it mid-year in July. This hyping up of this event is FAKE news to get investors to stay away from the dinar, as Iran wants and needs to keep the dinar low and not revalue higher. It is still important for us to look at why the CBI did this mid-year and not at year-end?…

7-10-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] As for the banking side as far as currency redemptions go- they are being exceptionally quiet right now. They are not leaking a thing… Spoke with a contact at a redemption center and they are on call this weekend. This is the first weekend in a while that they were told to be on call and prepared… Hopefully it means something…I know we are very close…whether it’s this weekend or not…fingers crossed.

7-10-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 When the value goes up may I suggest you walk don’t run. In the same way that I suggest don’t pick up the phone and tell the world “guess what?” Shhh…Don’t feel that if it went up in the next hour – don’t feel ‘oh, gosh I’ve got to get to a bank right away. Oh, I’ll get to a bank tomorrow morning!’ Think twice about that. It’s up to you…IMO the Central bank of Iraq is not going to retrieve the 3 zeros right away…I don’t see where they’re going to say ‘okay we just raised the value of our currency and the 3 zero notes we’re gonna cancel them out. You’re out of luck sucker!’ …I don’t know how long they’re going to give you though. They say they coexist with the new small category notes for about ten year but that’s in country. How long will they be good outside of the country of Iraq? I don’t know…I don’t believe that we have the issue to run right away when the value goes up…watch, look, listen, learn from others. Learn from their mistakes…

7-10-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “A Kurdish deputy reveals the fact that Baghdad refused to receive the Kurdistan delegation and the reason for his late visit” Quote: “The Kurdish delegation will visit Baghdad next week, and it is awaiting the easing of the conditions that Baghdad requested from the region with regard to oil delivery, and revenues of 50% of the border outlets…There is hope regarding negotiations between the territorial and federal governments, after entering international mediation, that a comprehensive agreement will be reached between the two parties.” I can just imagine the room they are in and how many international entities are working to help the mediation process through to the finish. We all know this is about money and salaries, however, it is even more than that. It is about the 2019 FMLA too..imo The trigger for money/foreign currency reserves to get a leg up… When there is an RI, you can bet your bottom Dinar that there is going to be some serious money movement and not just in Iraq…

7-10-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …the fact that the International Financial Action Group has already removed Iraq off their list of money laundering people…this is really big big news. Because this means the international community is starting to realize that Iraq is doing something about the levels of corruption in this country. Again, there’s a meeting coming up with Trump real soon…at this pace we may see the Iraq dinar be recognized on the international scene really super soon here. Having said that does that mean there’s going to be a change in rate? I don’t know. But I know the first biggest step is to have the sovereignty of Iraq recognized internationally. That means restrictions get removed off their currency. What does that mean Pimpy? Well that means if you have a bank that deals with foreign currency you should be able to go in and purchase it or exchange it…if they remove these types of restrictions that’s what we want…The next move after that would be the reinstatement of a rate…