Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-10-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-10-2020
7-10-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …the fact that the International Financial Action Group has already removed Iraq off their list of money laundering people…this is really big big news. Because this means the international community is starting to realize that Iraq is doing something about the levels of corruption in this country. Again, there’s a meeting coming up with Trump real soon…at this pace we may see the Iraq dinar be recognized on the international scene really super soon here. Having said that does that mean there’s going to be a change in rate? I don’t know. But I know the first biggest step is to have the sovereignty of Iraq recognized internationally. That means restrictions get removed off their currency. What does that mean Pimpy? Well that means if you have a bank that deals with foreign currency you should be able to go in and purchase it or exchange it…if they remove these types of restrictions that’s what we want…The next move after that would be the reinstatement of a rate…
7-10-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “A Kurdish deputy reveals the fact that Baghdad refused to receive the Kurdistan delegation and the reason for his late visit” Quote: “The Kurdish delegation will visit Baghdad next week, and it is awaiting the easing of the conditions that Baghdad requested from the region with regard to oil delivery, and revenues of 50% of the border outlets…There is hope regarding negotiations between the territorial and federal governments, after entering international mediation, that a comprehensive agreement will be reached between the two parties.” I can just imagine the room they are in and how many international entities are working to help the mediation process through to the finish. We all know this is about money and salaries, however, it is even more than that. It is about the 2019 FMLA too..imo The trigger for money/foreign currency reserves to get a leg up… When there is an RI, you can bet your bottom Dinar that there is going to be some serious money movement and not just in Iraq…
7-10-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 When the value goes up may I suggest you walk don’t run. In the same way that I suggest don’t pick up the phone and tell the world “guess what?” Shhh…Don’t feel that if it went up in the next hour – don’t feel ‘oh, gosh I’ve got to get to a bank right away. Oh, I’ll get to a bank tomorrow morning!’ Think twice about that. It’s up to you…IMO the Central bank of Iraq is not going to retrieve the 3 zeros right away…I don’t see where they’re going to say ‘okay we just raised the value of our currency and the 3 zero notes we’re gonna cancel them out. You’re out of luck sucker!’ …I don’t know how long they’re going to give you though. They say they coexist with the new small category notes for about ten year but that’s in country. How long will they be good outside of the country of Iraq? I don’t know…I don’t believe that we have the issue to run right away when the value goes up…watch, look, listen, learn from others. Learn from their mistakes…
7-9-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “Frank, when it happens will you give me the “800#”? Guru XYZ says that he’s gonna give us 800# – the only place where we can exchange our dinars.” Oh ye of little knowledge and you believe that? No, there’s no such thing as an 800 number for you to call to exchange. What you want to do is you’re going to find hopefully a large bank…the smaller banks are handicapped. You can go to a small bank but you’re risking your currency to be divorced from you. That’s not good…major banks that’s where I would go. There are brokers they could probably help you as well too if you trust them…find a major reputable bank. Tell them you want to do business with them and get the perks. Everything that you can…if you feel they’re ripping you off go somewhere else. You’re in control. You’ve got the power for the first time in a long time. Don’t lose it…
7-9-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra …IMO, everything is at stake for this country known as Iraq. They need to change and get into the international world as MM [Guru MilitiaMan] has shared many times the need to access those secondary markets, loans, SDR, all those things he has hammered are spot on IMO. There is no turning back. What options are there….N O N E!! Did I emphasize that enough? …Stay strong family…it’s coming!!! All IMO…
7-9-2020 Intel Guru Footforward …I just want to encourage you guys that we are really close.
7-9-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …so overnight there were no changes in value…in Iraq… Still in an “Intel Blackout” for most of my contacts. They have really clamped down on any news and any leaks…. I did reach out to a redemption center person and they are keeping them all on call there. At redemption centers they are all geared up and have taken precautions. They have masks and gloves. They are prepared and waiting on a “go” as well. Somebody pointed this out after finally getting in touch with their contacts at exchange centers – “Why would they have these if we were not going to exchange?” Our exchange is coming guys and it’s getting closer day by day.
7-9-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 There’s some of you that say, ‘guru X, Y & Z says there’s no taxes to be paid on this capital gains. none.’ Like our government is going to allow that! Oh, the fantasy of it all…I think you have common sense. You know very well this is a capital gains… [Note: Always speak with your tax professionals at the appropriate time for how this exchange will be taxed for your individual situation.]
7-9-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy There’s a major major announcement that happened today…What is going on? A message from the EU that takes us one step closer to what I was talking about. I do believe when Al-Kazemi comes over here I’m hoping we’re gonna see a push by Trump to recognize the sovereignty of Iraq…look at this message – Article: “The Anti-Money Laundering Office issues a statement on the European decision: Iraq will be removed from the list of high-risk countries soon”. This is great. This means you start removing restrictions off of Iraq and start recognizing them on the International scene. This is big news. I have a feeling they are waiting for this announcement. What announcement? …I think we’re waiting for the big dog himself to come out. Our president Trump to come out and make this announcement that hey we need the international community to once again recognize the sovereignty of Iraq. I believe that is coming as long as they continue to do what they’re doing right now…this is super huge news.
7-9-2020 Guest Guru Petra …So, we have these polymer notes that have been in circulation for apparently some time. Why all the hubbub “now” when they have been around for a while? Could it be part of the education process? Could it be a preemptory move by the CBI to make citizens aware and understand the coming change? I think so. Everything they have been doing has been strategic but now the strategy is being played out as we await the execution of that strategy. Nothing is going to stop it or we will truly have a failed state and that is “not” going to happen with the wealth in that country. …IMO, we are at the goal line waiting to cross for lack of a better metaphor.