Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-1-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-1-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-1-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …they are looking at how to tackle the financial problem they have inside of Iraq. They looked at the reserve and they said, ‘they probably could take out 11 billion dollars worth of the reserve and not really hurt the value of the currency and to be able to fix some of our problems.’ But you have a completely different group saying ‘you don’t need to do that. Let’s protect our reserve. Add value to our currency. And invest in the Western markets.’…these guys will never give you rates…they’ll always avoid giving some sort of rate…you and I know what they need for the budget – for it to succeed. My projected budget for what they needed at $53 to $56 a barrel was about 56 cents to the dollar. Now it’s about .63 cents to the U.S. dollar…see the trend? It’s going up…

7-1-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [What about the dong rate? Still.47 cents to $2?] That is something that has just changed. I am now hearing that the dong could come out at right around the $1 mark for the street rate and then up to $2 or so for the contract rate.

7-1-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …they don’t have any money…But they can get their money if they do what? If they raise the value of the currency…

7-1-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Iraq has a lot of work to do but certainly there is promising developments. Opening their economy, creating a private sector, an encouraging foreign investment are the key ingredients to their success under the current circumstances. They seem to be aggressively trying to fix it.

6-30-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 Today June 30, 2020, the employees salaries were not paid. TV reporting sources in the CBI reveals a development that will allow the distribution of the June salaries within 2 days. A source pointed out that the ministry will start tomorrow, Wednesday, to send a notice to banks to gradually release the salaries of employees in ministries, government departments. The Parliamentary Finance Committee said earlier today, Tuesday, that the government’s financial liquidity to pay the salaries of employees is available, stressing at the same time that the ministry did not send a directive to banks to pay salaries.

6-30-2020 Intel Guru Delta …There’s no question about this family. We got finally the right person to the right place and at the same time everybody understands right now in Iraq that they have to open internationally. They have to open the market economy and so many talks right now about the exchange rate….5, 6, 7 years ago we used to wish to have this kind of talk everyday about the exchange rate. This is the first time you’ve seen in the last 5 or 6 months they’re talking about the exchange rate and they’re realizing right now that this is very important for them…there’s no way around it. Increasing the value has to take place…nobody knows the date. Nobody knows the rate…We know that we can increase the rate…but here’s the question – When do they need to do this? …the sooner the better for them to do it because even if they raise the value that doesn’t mean they’re going to solve the problem right away. It’s going to take some time…it could really happen at any moment in our opinion.

6-30-2020 Guest Guru Petra Article: “Parliamentary Finance show the reason for delaying the paying of salaries for the month of June”. They very clearly state why they didn’t pay salaries and that’s because they don’t have any money to do so…if the vault is empty you can’t pay your bill. Very straightforward. They’ve got to make a move here pretty quick in order to solve that problem.

6-30-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …the whole process here is coming to a head…the National Business Council calling for a review of the exchange rate. And then you have the government close to sending the economic reform law to parliament. And we had some other things converging that get us to this stage – an ongoing dialogue with the Kurdistan region. All those things coming together is important because they all will meet and mean one thing and they all support the focus – going to a market economy…the focus of going to a market economy is the purpose and to get to the market economy…you’re not going to get to a market economy with a program rate…all these things are coming…around fast and furious right at us…

6-30-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni There is so much news happening in Iraq over the past few weeks pertaining to the financial system as well as trying to create a private sector. They have many laws still to pass but things are moving at a very good pace. If things keep going at this rate it’s almost as if Iraq is trying to make up for the last 10 years in the next few months. We’ll just have to watch and see how it unfolds.

6-30-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …there’s a reason they have not paid their salaries yet…there’s a reason why they have this economic reform law coming out…there’s a reason why the border are being taken care of…why loan are being installed…dear god look at what they’re doing…the biggest thing is they have no liquidity. Has anyone lent them any money? No. Has any of the investment money come in yet? No. They got no liquidity. They’re barely making it and they have done everything “on this [poker] hand” that was dealt to them. It’s time for them to call, show the cards and raise the value. Everybody gets paid. That’s why all these countries are sitting there and still coming in. Still investing…

6-30-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [Do you think we will be able to exchange with Canadian Banks?…Once international we should be able to exchange at Canadian Banks I would think?] I believe we will be able to cash out at banks in Canada.

6-30-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ Mine [contacts] are squarely still looking at this evening. I was not expecting movement overnight last night…I am expecting movement late this afternoon. As far as the bankers are concerned “Today is the GO DAY”… If it isn’t I think those bankers will buy us the pitchforks, torches and yellow vests if it does not go this evening. They are sitting there…ready…right now. Huge anticipation for the next 24 hours. There is an enormous amount of anticipation today…especially on the Iraqi front. I messaged with contacts over there in the wee hours this morning and they also have expectations of it going overnight there tonight… so cross your fingers guys and say your prayers… Hopefully we will wake up to a whole new world tomorrow.

6-30-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …There’s two options on the table. To withdraw from the reserve or to add value to the currency. That’s the main debate going on. So some of these guys in parliament are are like, ‘let me get this straight, so if it’s not $66 per barrel [oil] we’re getting our asses kicked financially domestically inside of Iraq. But if we add value to our currency not only do we get to keep our reserve but if we get it high enough we can pay all of our salaries? There’s actually a debate on whether we are going to use our reserve or add value to our currency?’ That’s how ridiculous it is…