Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-4-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-4-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-4-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Security Council Authorizes Continued Maintenance of Iraq Escrow Account, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2335 (2016)” This is some huge information that is in my view very important to all…it (the article) is telling the world what is actually going to happen. It has been in process for years. The UN published the data on a Friday, after markets closed. Not many would see it, and to be honest, there would have to be an interest for such a thing, and or to have a reason to think it is important. Well, people like us or some as astute as some here, will know what it means. The thing is, the amount of people that get it, are not a concern for the CBI to a potential front running of the IQD. There is just not that many people that get it. (Effectively that is what the article suggests is a viable option, by telling us 06/30/2017 or before Iraq will receive ESCROW funds back.) The Un is telling the world that the IQD is or Iraq if you will, is going to be Sanction free by and or before the end of June 2017. That simple. International! So if they are that confident and Ban Ki Moon tells the world on a late Friday after markets close, I would say that the not only is game on, the game is about to end. A good thing..

6-4-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: “Twilight News President Fuad Masum, and House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri / stressed on Saturday the need to intensify meetings between the three presidencies.” Strengthen and intensify the meetings between the three Presidencies…that would be Masum, Abadi, and Jubouri…wonder what they could be wanting to talk to about…the election stuff is old news IMO…as is anything about laws and regional strengthening…get to the nitty gritty…cut to the chase…stop beating around the bush…let’s talk good stuff…like a celebration for Mosul…then an even greater celebration for a new international rate for your country’s currency…just do it…IMO.


6-4-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi TV is depicting leaders declaring this as victory week in Mosul. Kurdistan TV is banned from filming their news from Old Mosul city. Abadi is taking over the vacant finance minister job until he finds a replacement. June 30 is the intended date that Iraqis will receive their money monthly instead versus an escrow account.

6-3-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “Experts affirm: central bank measures behind the decline in money laundering” [Isn’t this an important article? Does it say that the rate could be as low as 1200 IQD to $1.00?] Interesting statement for sure in the article… I believe the CBI did in effect sell dinar to citizens through the Rafidain at 1200 to $1. But as we all have seen that was not enough to lower the spread below 1247 as reported. Now the question is…is that good enough for Article VIII compliance? We will probably find out when the IMF publishes its next report with Iraq.

6-3-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: “Security Council Authorizes Continued Maintenance of Iraq Escrow Account, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2335 (2016)” Quote: “…the Government of Iraq should see today’s extension as the Council’s unwavering support for closing the file once and for all…” SUPER KEY TONE AND TENOR from the UN… (IMHO) First off – I am not entirely convinced this is about the whole of the UN Ch 7 charter (it’s not a financial designation), which is about the ability of the UN to “assist” with or without the GOI’s permission to be there. 2) IMHO – they could easily be talking about the Oil For Food Program – only – or this resolution 1958 from back in 2010 – expiring in 2016 and then extended to June 30th. Or both. I may well be mistaken – I don’t see this as a lifting of Ch 7 – again… the UN Ch 7 “charter” and the IMF Art 8 & 14 designations are like apples and watermelons… soooooooo different. Is this good news – yes. NO, in fact, GREAT NEWS… here’s why..

6-3-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Notice the tone of their comments to the GOI. (from the UN) “….the Government of Iraq should see today’s extension as the Council’s unwavering support for closing the file once and for all…” They are just telling Iraq they are with them – but things will go the way THEY SAY. Kinda’ like – You’re doing good kids – keep at it… just a little bit longer!! … the UN does have a hand / say in things… 1) they are the CH 7 gatekeepers 2) they do have various financial interests in Iraq. This one looks to be a “file” – as in, a programme they want to close out… likely the Oil for Food Program and / or this resolution 1958 going back to 2010. But the big take-away for me – there is some very real affirming language in this UN statement. I would suspect the IMF and WB will have some similar view in the near future. So relax – Have a Coke and a SMILE.

6-3-2017 Newshound Guru Phillyman Article: “Security expert predicts the collapse of “dashing” .. He praises the “military tactic” Quotes: “The terrorist organization is now confined to only one kilometer…” “the military tactic of the security forces, able to decipher the blades (urging), is expected to collapse at any moment.” Not sure what to think about this optimistic report, seems to have things further along then what I found yesterday.

6-3-2017 Intel Guru Delta Article: “Security Council Authorizes Continued Maintenance of Iraq Escrow Account, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2335 (2016)” Quote: “The Security Council today authorized the Secretary-General to continue to maintain the escrow account authorized by resolution 1958 (2010), and to retain the funds contained therein until 30 June 2017, at which time all remaining funds would be transferred to the Government of Iraq.” …THERE IT IS!! THERE IS ONLY ONE THING LIFT [LEFT ?] AND AS YOU SEE BY END OF JUNE (FIRST HALF OF 2017) IRAQ WILL HAVE A CONTROL MEANING ALSO OUT OF CH7…EVERYTHING WAS TAKING CARE OF ON MARCH 30TH. IMO WE SHOULD SEE A RATE CHANGE BEFORE JUNE 30.