Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-3-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-3-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-3-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Mosul is it… I have said all along…I would like to see what the news cycle looks like right after Mosul is done. I had some guy message me “why is Mosul taking so long”? They are dug in – they know they will die and have NOTHING TO LOSE…this may take just a bit..let’s all just take a breath and let this whole thing play out…and then… I also said – I want to get a feel for what the News Cycles look like after – for a week or two…this will be the tale of the tape. …sit back…and let them do their thing…and BTW – it’s not like they haven’t told us in so many ways – what they intend to do. They have – over and over and over and over.

6-3-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article quote: “Crossed several points in international institutions and economists Iraqis expressed their interest and support as approved by the Central Bank of Iraq from the controls for the sale and purchase of foreign currency mechanisms.” …they are telling us the CBI has controls in place for the sale and purchase of Foreign Currency. Controls are safety mechanisms. Why are they used and when? Because imo they are going to at some point and imo very soon raise the value of the IQD and will do so with a Precise Managed Float.

6-3-2017 Intel Guru Delta Article: “Security Council Authorizes Continued Maintenance of Iraq Escrow Account, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2335 (2016)” Quote: “The Security Council today authorized the Secretary-General to continue to maintain the escrow account authorized by resolution 1958 (2010), and to retain the funds contained therein until 30 June 2017, at which time all remaining funds would be transferred to the Government of Iraq.” …THERE IT IS!! THERE IS ONLY ONE THING LIFT [LEFT ?] AND AS YOU SEE BY END OF JUNE (FIRST HALF OF 2017) IRAQ WILL HAVE A CONTROL MEANING ALSO OUT OF CH7…EVERYTHING WAS TAKING CARE OF ON MARCH 30TH. IMO WE SHOULD SEE A RATE CHANGE BEFORE JUNE 30.

6-2-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: “Direct payment of the salaries of retired civilians for the month of June” Here’s one of those odd things you read and say there is something different about this…when was the last time you actually saw an article where the Iraqi’s were talking of paying anyone into the future…usually it is all about payments made in arrears…two and three months or more ago…playing catch up…but here we have a different story… hmmmm …patterns broken…June an explosive month…