Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-28-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-28-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-28-2019 Newshound Guru Breitling …When I first got into this investment from the reports I got…I thought it was going to revalue at 12 cents. That was the highest it was going to go. This was in the very very early stages. So that’s how I bought my dinar based on that. Then later on down the road they started saying hey, “we want it to come in at $1.18. Eventually we want it at $3.25.” Understanding in my mind that it’s going to be a process that it’s not gonna be boom its gonna revalue. They specifically said it’s going to be a process. I believed in it and I still do believe in it…


6-28-2019 Intel Guru Bruce [via PinkRoses] …Now we know that when President Trump left…for Osaka, Japan, we know he was in a pretty good mood I understand regarding where everything was on our blessing. …I believe …it is possible this blessing is even intergated somehow into the Chinese Trade Agreement. …I am not quite sure how it would manifest in there. I think that is really possible. I have been told that the toll-free numbers should be a daytime event as well as exchanges starting as a daytime event…I think it is very possible we get called…meaning me with numbers. I think we can set our appointments and start tomorrow [Friday]…I believe tomorrow [Friday] is a deadline, a backwall, of some sort. So, rates are off the screens front and back. They will come back up in the morning [Friday], and I believe that everything will be good to go. I am excited about that.

6-27-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ We are in 2 windows right now…From tonight until midday tomorrow…if it doesn’t go by then –the second window starts on Sunday…Iraq does not have a new rate as of 2 hours ago. …we are in the perfect storm right now…this is minute to minute and we are in it to win it.

6-27-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Vietnam : Positive economic climate attracts businesses” …WHAT TRUMP DID WITH CHINA AND IRAQ (MONSTER OIL DEAL)…OPENED…THE DOOR TO VIETNAM’S DONG BIG TIME… BRILLIANT!

6-27-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I was also told that this week the Mahdi government could try to replace Ali Mohsen Al-Allaq as the director of the CBI since his position is still seen as a proxy one going back to former PM Nori al-Maliki days. This also stems from the currency auction corruption and the failure to complete the currency reform project. We will wait and see what happens on these other proxy positions. They need to make his position permanent and announce it if he is going to stay.

6-27-2019 Intel Guru Delta Article: “…While the second document that he was nominated Ali Abdul Amir Allawi for the post of Governor of the Central Bank…” THERE IT’S IN PRINT ..NEW CBI GOV NAME TO BE APPROVED BY PARLIAMENT.

6-27-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …We are hearing things went live at 4:30 AM in Asia and expecting it to be moving our direction. In Zurich – they have not gone in yet but have big expectations. My contact in Reno was up early…6am…He is waiting in a conference room right now to “go”… Big expectations today is the day…they cant afford not to be on “alert”… Historically Thursdays are a very good day for Revaluations. In Iraq- as of 9 am this morning Iraq did not have a new rate. At least the people on the street don’t have it… Last rumored street rates we are hearing was $3.62 in Iraq…We are at the edge…it’s painful how close we are…I plan to have some kind of update tonight…we are that close.

6-27-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Once these three minister positions were filled, I contacted my CBI source. I was told that there are some very important people now in Baghdad or coming this week and there is going to be a largely attended financial meeting with the CBI. Those attending include the former financial minster, US and UK Treasury Sec, Dr. Shabibi, IMF rep and a World Bank Rep. What do you think they will be discussing? …I was told they do plan to move ahead with the “project to delete the zeros” this year and sooner rather than later. This is all I could get out of my source.