Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-25-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-25-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-25-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article “Iraq officially discloses the date for Al-Kazimi’s visit to Washington” This is big man. I don’t know why. Call me crazy it’s just a vibe that I have. I don’t know how to explain it but something tells me this visit is going to be the big visit. I think we’re gonna see some great things… hopefully Trump himself gets into this meeting and what we find out is they’re very happy about the progress that’s been made and we restore the sovereignty of Iraq and remove all restrictions off their currency and allow them then to trade on the Forex…it’ll change the rate of an Iraqi dinar if it gets on Forex. There has been a lot of really positive and good news. A lot of good positive vibes. I like what’s going on. I’m excited about it…

6-25-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy [IFEX Investors’ Question] The question was – if the conversion fees, buying from other countries and bringing it into Iraq it’s gonna be very costly, the fees are going to be very high, the conversion fees are gonna be very high…and they’re worried about inflation because if they start building in this nation that means you’re going to need a lot more currency and if you have to keep pumping out more and more local currency, then that can cause inflation to go up. Of course the response was ‘That should not a problem. We have a solution for that. Don’t worry about that.’ Along those lines. I don’t want to tell you guys that they’re talking about changing the rate but it sure the hell sounds like it…never in my life have I felt that we’re closer to a rate change…

6-25-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We are still getting all kinds of chatter… but we are not out of the gate yet… [Whats the deal with Iraq? Auctions have stopped…how is Iraq living?] Without them auctioning their currency for US dollars they do not do well…that they have suspended those auctions lets you know how important it is that they change their value. This lets us know how close they are to RV. Even Shabibi said that at the end, close to the RV, they would stop their foreign currency auctions. This is big. They are trying to get dinar off the streets and limit the supply before they RV…

6-25-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Does Iraq want to see the dinar go up in value? Of course they do but these conferences are all about inviting foreign investment to rebuild and create a private sector. Only then can the dinar begin to go up in value.

6-24-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] In Asia I got an overnight report that the street rate (Dong) was supposed to start at about .47 cents then let it float. Now I am hearing it will start at a 1 to 1 parity and then let it float…

6-24-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …I believe it was…on Thursday or Friday we were already pointing toward early this week…So we came to find out…there’s still a little bit of clean up that was needed…my understanding is that took place already – so I feel as though we’re in position where this could go and we could get notified… So that points well for us over the next couple of days…Now I am not trying to call it…I’m just saying the information I have is pointing towards the next 48 hours… We are looking at very good rates – Don’t know what they are – I had an idea but they change –and so you’re going to be fine on that… I just feel like this thing is coming to an end…

6-24-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Parliamentary Economy: The white paper includes 3 stages, starting with the reform of niches and currency auctions” There is nothing at all bad with this openness in regard to pushing forward to a market economy. Stopping the auctions will force the mechanism to be applied.. That imo is the first step and it is a very important one!!! imo Looking so very good now…imo

6-24-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [More can kicking?] I don’t think they are kicking it anymore…they seem to be full tilt getting it out the door…I think we are awfully close to “the boy who cried wolf” being right. I believe we are exceptionally close now. Do I think a day or two? I hope it is.

6-24-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …in the foreign expo for Iraq, Allaq gave a speech…basically what he was saying was before we can go international (he was talking about the dinar) we have to make sure we have reform that makes everything stable internally. The economy needed to be stable. The banking needed to be stable. Pricing needed to be stable. Low and behold today guess what happens… Article: “The Central Bank of Iraq announces the success of its efforts to reform the economic environment and achieve stability in prices”. This is why so many people feel like the dinar is going to happen this year – 2020…these things are exciting…this is great news…so if the stability locally is done, what does that mean for us internationally? It’s looking good guys – really good. I have faith this thing is going to happen really soon…

6-24-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana We are looking at constant HCL news, constant mention of monetary change, constant clues that we are on the brink of a monumental event. I’m ready. There is just so much going on right now that smells like “HCL”… it’s almost overwhelming. You can bet the gurus are going to be going nuts here pretty soon. Hang on to your hats, friends… stay grounded…and enjoy the ride. Go Kazzammie. Go HCL. GO RV.