Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-15-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-15-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-15-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Al-Shami provides a set of economic solutions that enhance production and services” They are literally telling us they are going to a market economy. They have been hammering it home for months now… But, now they are not only talking about it they are doing it…It is my belief they are telling us that a correction from the previous economic platform is required and that the correction will regain the lost confidence. …They even mention not only will local investors gain, so will foreigners…By raising the value of their stock exchange by increasing their exchange rate will be a positive shock. One where we all should agree is to be a good thing…!

6-15-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …There is an urgency to bring in the new. There are many articles referencing the “new”. New PM, new reforms, new holding company, new small category notes, new e-commerce, new e-government, etc.. imo…The information to date is extremely powerful, as it shows they are doing now what they have been trying to do for many years, as noted by the letter fron Nasserry to the new PM, just this time they are listening to the road map alternatives, and are seriously on the path to go live with the new social market economy.. imo Wow…

6-15-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …you’ve seen some of the best news that you ever have just in the past month – month and a half…there were two delays. They completed one. Two weekends ago they finished the formation of the government…They are finishing the last delay this week of June 17th. This is the budget agreement between Baghdad and Erbil…they’re gonna finish that this week…they want to get everything done before the period of June 21st so they could actually…RV over June 21st…it’s as clear as day now…they’re pretty much telling you they want to change the rate most likely over the weekend of June 21st…

6-14-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …the Iraqi dinar’s monetary reform is in full bloom and in a position to be announced IMO very soon. Especially with what they released today, ‘We busted Maliki and all those that were preventing the monetary reform.’

6-14-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article “The president of the Republic: To complete victory requires building a sovereign and capable state”. This is what I’m talking about. They have to prove to the world that they can stand alone. That’s what a true sovereign nation is. To me this is the biggest obstacle that we have and waiting for the rate change to take place. We need them to be a sovereign nation all over again…are we close? IMO we’re very very close to this finally happening…


6-14-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Next week .. A high-ranking Kurdish delegation headed by Talabani visits Baghdad” Quote: “All political forces insist on the success of Al-Kazemi’s mission, and the steps for reform must be accelerated” All inclusive…Is this the historic HCL/140 agreed on in principle set for a finality? The Kurdistan Regional Council is talking about internal Reconciliation and also speaks of the region, as well. That my friends looks like to me that the next 24 – 48 hours are going to be about signing off on some already agreed on files. Having the power players this week is very compelling support that they mean business. The reforms must be accelerated. The rate at which they bring it forth is what I am looking for, as are the demonstrators… They know all too well what the alternatives are and one is the most important. RATE. or Purchase Power…imo. It all looks so very promising now this is coming to a conclusion. imo.

6-14-2020 Intel Guru Footforward …I believe it will happen…Pompeo also told them to RV right away. Or else. [wow, did anybody get a video or audio of Pompeo telling them to revalue right away, or else?] it may have been in an article. I was told that by someone. […Do you think the person who told you is a really good source?] I do.

6-14-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy People are like, ‘…I thought they [Iraq] were a sovereign nation.’ But they’re not recognized as a sovereign nation and what I mean by that is in order to be a sovereign nation you have to have an internationally recognized currency. They’re in Chapter 7 and yes they’ve been moved out and they been moving back…their goal is to be a sovereign nation once again…I believe that’s what the true issue is. That’s what they’re really working for too…it looks like they’re headed in that right direction. Let’s hope it’s very soon though…