Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-23-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-23-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions4-23-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …IMO because Iraq started the rate change process on March 17th that means they cannot turn the ISX back on until the rate change process has completed…and then about a week and a half ago I told you my opinion that they would resume the ISX and turn it on around Sunday April 26th. We got that confirmed…in the news just a few days later. They told us factually that yes they’re going to reinstate the ISX on Sunday the 26th. They’re basically telling us that because they shut the ISX down due to an impending rate change they kind of confirmed that they cannot reinstate the ISX until the rate has changed.

4-23-20 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …there are no exchange centers, 800#s or cash in places…If and when the dinar ever begins to rise in value, IMO you will have to create a bank account with a currency broker (market maker) or some ECN (An ECN broker is a Forex financial expert who uses such a network to provide its clients direct access to other participants in the market) and manage it like any other foreign currency…

4-23-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article “The Iraqi Stock Exchange announced the resumption of trading this next Saturday”, “…the board of governors decided to resume the activity of stock trading as of Sunday April 26…”

4-22-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana By now you’ve surely heard about the OIL markets… OIL, and the wealth it creates and sustains, will not be removed from our world anytime soon. OIL will remain part of our lives. Therefore, Iraq will not slide into oblivion…nor will it’s bank accounts. I’m not worried about the dinar – we know it’s going to increase in value, even though we don’t know what will happen between now and then, and we don’t know if “then” is tomorrow or June or next year. We are in the middle of a massive shakeup.

4-22-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana I won’t pretend to know how long it will take to reach a conclusion, but I am positive it will… and at the end of it, those who control the oil will still have the leverage to be powerful, valuable, and rich. Despite COVID, despite ISIS, despite elections and tsunamis and fads that are here today and gone tomorrow… Iraq has, in it’s physical possession, a majority of THE commodity that is never in our lifetime going to be “worthless”. We are in a good spot, holding little pieces of that commodity in the form of their currency, when all of the imaginary “value” in the world is so uncertain.

4-22-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I’m going to say this – Can I tell exactly when this is going to go? NO – Do they want us to know when this is going to happen? NO they don’t – even though we’re hearing Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday – we can write off Tuesday…tomorrow [Wednesday]? It’s in play – Thursday? It’s in play – I think Friday is even in play – so let’s keep that in mind. …we know we’re getting closer and closer everyday with everything that’s happening – and now that oil has crashed – that’s one more thing that needed to happen…we are still in that window of possibility… I think we’re going to have good news soon…

4-22-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Article: “The Worst Is Yet To Come For Oil Prices” Quote: “This inflection will play out in a matter of weeks, not months, with the market likely forced to balance before June,” Goldman analysts warned. In other words, the U.S. oil industry could lose several million barrels per day in the next few weeks in what Goldman analysts called a “violent rebalancing.” And just like that – we live in a new world. This might be THE strongest case I’ve ever seen for a GCR. I’m still not a proponent of a full GCR, but the evidence and situation details just keep piling on… this is wild.

4-22-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am…told they are having a difficult time coming to grips and setting a firm, in concrete schedule…because of different restrictions in each state and getting the different Governors to agree…giving permission to travel and take care of (exchange)… I am told this is a nightmare they are working through…They are working at a feverish rate to make a compromise to make each governor in each state happy. My best guess, gut feeling is we will see more around Friday and they will have a pretty solid schedule worked out.

4-22-2020 Intel Guru Delta …the CBI is acting very strange…and then April the 13th they did basically update the Index of the Iraqi Stock Exchange. They shut down on March 16th their Index was 442.6. The Central Bank of Iraq looks like when they updated that they added about a thousand, forty seven points. Now they are, if I’m not mistaken, close to 462,380. So when you do the math it looks like they did delete the zeros and based on that chart [CBI’s ISX Price Index] IMO I might be wrong…it went up a thousand times…it looks like the one-to-one ratio is done…