Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-5-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-5-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions3-5-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article quote “in the case that parliament fails to vote next time on the government cabinet it will be dissolved and early elections will be held.” They’re considering dissolving the government and holding early elections…Kurdistan wants to be part of the new government…equal say and equal majority within the formation of the new government. That’s the reason they’re dissolving the government…that’s the reason they’re playing you like a fool telling you that the current government is unstable so they can hold early elections in April to bring Kurdistan on board…

3-5-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana …PM Allawi has…”withdrawn his candidacy”… So, what’s next?… The Iraqi President can simply appoint someone (again), but it’s not necessary to take drastic action. Maybe Mahdi steps back up (he was never really gone), but that doesn’t make a difference either… The good news for us, and Iraq? No matter who steps into the Prime Minister role next, Allawi was able to get some wood chopped. Iran lost a LOT of power over the last month, for one. I think that may have more to do with Allawi’s current decision than anything – he seems to want them completely gone, not just 80% reduced. Most importantly, and this is the crux of the matter, Allawi wasn’t elected to this position in the first place – yet, things got done. In my opinion, the raise in the value of the Dinar is going to happen regardless of who is sitting in the Prime Minister chair. All of the things that need to happen in Iraq continue to happen, and “who” is sitting “where” does not seem to matter…as long as it’s not Maliki! Someone will be in that seat, soon, and the train will continue to chug along. We are getting close…

3-5-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “DRAFT FEDERAL BUDGET LAW FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2020 IS STILL IN THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE” Our reinstatement is based on the 2020 budget. They must pass it to get what we want. But first to pass it they must get the government in place… Of course, there is going to be Iranian backed resistance since the currency auction corruption feeding Iran will go away when this is concluded

3-5-2020 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf Question: Revaluation. The bigger question is what do people understand by the term “revaluation”. If a currency changes from X/USD to Y/USD is it a revaluation/devaluation or not. A redenomination of the national currency is a revaluation of the monetary unit and that is what was being considered by the CBI at the Shabibi was at the helm.

3-4-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …could we be notified and start tomorrow [Wednesday]? The answer is an outstanding YES – possibly…we understand that the redemption centers were to receive their schedules that would take them through Saturday March 14th until midnight…In other words, us – the internet group – we would get started and continue all the way through midnight on the 14th of march…which is… a week from this Saturday… Do we have any other indication that we’re just about there? …We got an indication from the World Bank – yesterday – that talked about 2 days – today and tomorrow [Wednesday]…then we heard further from the World Bank that there was emphasis on tomorrow’s date (Wed 3-4-20)…It could go Thursday – we don’t know…this is a moving target… Really, we are down to the wire…this is not going to last much longer…Let’s just believe that no other hindrance will keep us from starting and everything is set..

3-4-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “Urgent: The President of the Republic approves Allawi’s resignation…” Where does Iraq go from here? Will the UN step in and take over? Probably not…I don’t think Iraq is at this point yet. They are still within their democratic government. Can the UN legally put in place a provisional government to run Iraq in the meantime. No, they cannot do this. How much longer can this go on before Iraqi economy really tanks? If they do not get the budget approved they can not go ahead with any of the projects they had planned for 2020. This new year is quickly slipping by. The economy too is stagnating and inflation could set in. Will us investors have to wait yet another year to 2021 to see the RV? This may very well be the case. It appears they just paid the Kurds their salaries. This is not in our favor and shows they already are using the 1/12 rule of the budget…

3-4-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff I’m not saying there’s zero corruption…every country is gonna have some partial corruption. They’re not gonna be 100% corrupt free…I’m looking at the former corrupt political figures who are now billionaires. Any of the new officials that are in place they might have some corruption but it’s lower-level corruption. These guys aren’t stealing gazillions of dollars becoming billionaires like the former ones…the CBI said they needed the corruption gone…since they held the election in May of ’18 Maliki’s gone. Barzani senior, he’s gone. Najaf he’s gone from parliament…the CBI doesn’t care about small levels of corruption. Every country is gonna have that…the reason the CBI wanted the corruption gone and what they meant by that is they wanted the very extreme corrupt individual gone that were stealing billions of dollars…

3-4-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Anticipation is high… Redemption Centers are manned…..sitting on “wait” [Footforward… thinks the RV will manifest by Mar. 20th…What are your thoughts?] I think anytime from 2 seconds from now to the 14th. That is what I think…I think they expect to have our transactions done before then and the average person on the street will be able to go in after the 14th is what I was told.


3-4-2020 Intel Guru Delta …the budget does need the rate first IMO… monetary reform is moving forward and nothing will stop it…

3-4-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …wait till you see the new candidate that Trump brings in. Wait till you see the guy he wants as prime minister. This guy is a walking bulldog. And he’s all for the United States…

3-4-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …Iraq can’t do a dang thing. Iraq is frozen as far as launching their economy. Iraq cannot launch their economy until the rate changes. Iraq’s economy is frozen. They can’t even provide for the demonstrators…they said Iraq will be launching their economy on March 30th. Don’t forget about that. That was roughly close to a month ago. They said there’s gonna be a lot of heavy hitters – financial big players and they said Iraq will be launching their economy on March 30th…