Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-28-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-28-2020
3-28-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …these people are in such an economical financial crunch they need to increase the rate. They need the increase very soon before they can’t recoup. They need to do this so they can start buying the things they need to get the country kick-started and rebuilding…99% of us feel like for some reason this coronavirus is just a distraction..
3-28-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Rate on Dong?] I am still hearing it is supposed to release on the street between .45 to .50 cents and fluctuate up. I am told the contract rate will still be in the low $2 range…treat it as rumor..
3-28-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …no body knows the date or the rate…at this pace. If I didn’t know any better. It sure feels like the same thing that happened in Kuwait. There was every reason for it not to happen. There was every delay and every reason for it not to go up in value and then all of a sudden – BOOM! We woke up and their money went up in value. This is very interesting.
3-27-2020 Intel Guru Footforward Quote: “BREAKING: The Pentagon has ordered military commanders to plan for an escalation of American combat in Iraq, issuing a directive last week to prepare a campaign to destroy an Iranian-backed militia group that has threatened more attacks against American troops – NYT” I’d translate that as they want one more big push to rid Iraq of Iran so the RV can happen. If [I ?] suspect major crushing sanctions to be put on Iraq if they don’t revalue their currency in the near future. Just my opinion.
3-27-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …this is a brokerage firm [Al Karmal]… they’re affiliated with the ISX stock trading. They received a correspondent from the main government of Iraq…Quote “The trading session will be held on 12th April 2020 as the ISX announcement today”…the bottom sentence says the trading session will be held on April 12th…There’s another securities company that said the same thing. It’s an official announcement from another securities company – Rabee Securities…Quote “…the next trading session will resume on April 12th”…this is two official email releases. Two stock traders…one brokerage. One securities…that’s huge. Remember the U.S. did not stop trading stocks within the U.S. Not one other country has stopped electronic trading due to coronavirus yet Iraq has…Iraq’s economy to reopen exactly on the same time frame that Donald Trump has. Trump has Iraq’s economy timed with our economy…I have now confirmed to you with solid factual proof that all of the [Iraq’s] financial markets are going to be closed for a period of 4 weeks…the longest I’ve ever seen their ISX shut down in 11 years is no more than a week…this is huge confirming news…
3-27-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO I don’t believe the auctions are gonna come back again with the American dollar the way they’ve been using them. I believe this window is a bridge that has allowed them to change exactly in the direction that they want. They’re going to add value to their currency, enter the international world. Their currency will be up on FOREX traded internationally…
3-27-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Article: “Corona may revitalize the Iraqi economy .. Baghdad is on the cusp of exemptions from foreign debt payments” Another financial article…regarding Iraq’s debt obligations – a few comments were made about how this could be a doorway to a GCR. While I don’t subscribe to a universal “reset” happening, there are some valid portions of the theory… and the current global financial situation is edging closer and closer to something big happening, which could easily incorporate a major increase in the Dinar. All they would be doing is piggybacking on larger events, and this is a real possibility. When the world is at it’s craziest, and all focus is elsewhere…suddenly!