Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-25-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-25-2020
3-25-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “THE IRAQI PRESIDENT TRANSMITS THREE AMERICAN DEMANDS TO ADNAN AL-ZARFI” Quote: “…the American demands are summarized in three axes: First: Reducing the role of the popular crowd (Iranian backed) and keeping it away from influencing the Iraqi political decision. Second: to keep the Iranian influence from penetrating into the political and economic life of Iraq through frank and direct negotiations with Iran about that. Third: Opening up to the Arab and regional ocean countries away from Iranian dictates.” So we are seeing the effort on the part of the US to get Iran out of Iraq and out of Iraqi politics. We all should know by now this is the impeding element in any progress towards currency reform.
3-25-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …a currency swap was actually recently done with the Central Bank of Iraq and banks of the United States of America and other banks all around the world. This process is long. They’ve been working on it for a long time. Over a year. I thought they’d be ready this past January. No, they failed again and maybe it was because of the political B.S. of Iran. But we got that taken care of – stability and security. And we stopped the auctions and using the American dollar. The CBI and US banks made swaps. Around the middle part of December last year…this scenario is pressure because it’s leading the IQD to the point of raising the value of the currency. It’s the only solution for both the CBI and the GOI to pay their bills and build Iraq…They’re running out of American dollars…oil is not selling at a very good price right now putting pressure on the CBI and the GOI to raise the value…it’s all pointing in one direction..
3-25-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ I definitely believe we are watching it [RV] roll out right now… [Okie was looking to land his plane today….] I wish I was as confident as he is and hope its true.
3-24-2020 Intel Guru Footforward …people are mad because the RV hasn’t happened yet. Don’t be shaken! Look at all the signs that are happening!!!
3-24-2020 Intel Guru Delta Article: “The World Bank informs Iraq of its unwillingness to discuss any new loan for Baghdad with the status quo” IT’S ABOUT TIME… THANK U WORLD BANK…MUSIC TO MY EARS… BOOOOOOOOM.
3-24-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …Yes, the CBI is talking to the IMF about loans to manage the budget during this difficult time but there was no talk of raising the value of the dinar…Like I have already stated..there only really two options for Iraq…LOP the dinar (neutral event, minimal increase) or pass laws and build a private sector and float the dinar.
3-24-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Question “Now that the auctions have been stopped…” You have to be careful with that. They’ve been stopped because of the curfew. Because of the virus. Will they come back? Will they come back different? Will they come back at the program rate? Will they come back with only their currency at a program rate or a new rate? This is where we’re at with my teams… Question continues. “…in your opinion is Iraq implementing or planning their next course of action?” Yes. That’s what our studies have all been. I believe their next course of action was to stop the auctions. To stop using the American dollar. BUT they did that! So I wonder what they’re gonna do next – suddenly.
3-24-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “THE US STATE DEPARTMENT REFUSES TO CONSIDER AL-ZARFI AS “SUPPORTED” BY WASHINGTON ONLY BUT RATHER SUPPORTED BASED ON PRINCIPLES FOR IRAQ” Quote: “The United States did not focus on individuals, but rather on principles related to the appointed Iraqi Prime Minister, Adnan Al-Zarfi…” please don’t go off half-cocked thinking this article means that the US does not support the new PM candidate al-Zarfi. This is NOT what it is saying. Instead Mr. Schenker is just down playing the inference that the US is controlling Iraq by supporting the new candidate and a puppet to the US. Instead he wanted to tell everyone the US supports the principles behind the man not just supporting a puppet prime minister…Actually this is really good news!
3-24-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy I think once this coronavirus starts to subside a little bit you’re gonna see some very very very quick actions. A lot of movement in Iraq. I really think they cannot continue to exist this way without a rate change. Whether they get to reinstate at $3.22 or whether I’m right and it’s gonna be somewhere around $1.34…
3-24-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …I didn’t say the rate changed. I said the rate change process started. We are in the middle of the rate change process right now. It has started…IMO we are approaching the end…