Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-23-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-23-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions3-23-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …you and I are in an absolute phenomenal position…I’ve been getting emails asking ‘How did you know it [oil] was gonna get down to $26 barrel?’ …This is a direct cause by policy. It doesn’t matter if the coronavirus came out or not. The coronavirus accelerated it 100% in my mind…we knew we were gonna get to $26 a barrel…

3-23-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “Is it a coincidence that starting April 6th they’re going to start sending out stimulus checks and on that same date all other countries have to stop using the dollar? …I find this April 6th fascinating…

3-23-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …I got in a dispute with somebody. He keeps telling me that the IMF controls the rate of the Iraqi dinar. They don’t control the rate. They make recommendations on monetary policies…The IMF works with the World Trade Organization and works with the United Nations. The United Nation is the one that has the sanctions on Iraq right now. People are going ‘no they don’t’. Yes they do…the CBI sets the rate under the guidance of the IMF and WTO. It does no good for the rate change if the UN doesn’t allow them to be recognized internationally…once the CBI makes the rate change the currency must be recognized internationally. If the GOI had their way the rate would have been set exactly at $3.22. They have been bugging for year to have their rate reinstated…

3-22-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “…Why should we think that because we can no longer see results of the auctions that a public rate change might now be near other than the fact that the oil prices are about to tank their economy?” …why shouldn’t we expect it? It’s based on everything we’ve seen. Everything we’ve see is for the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar value. Everything they’ve been saying is the definition of the reinstatement of their currency…

3-22-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …when you look at what’s happening with the coronavirus ultimately the Trump administration is in charge. IMO the Trump administration is not going… to change the rate and allow tons of people to come in to the banks to exchange foreign currency. That’s the last thing they’re going to allow to happen especially with military lock downs occurring…we do firmly believe we’re at the finish line but we have to wait for things like the lock downs regarding the coronavirus to come to an end…I firmly believe we’re at the end.

3-22-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …the government of Iraq goes out to the International world and they say we need money because we’re about to go bankrupt as a country…and the article itself actually said nope. No. Raise the value of your currency…you know what to do. Finish your reforms…

3-22-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …as you know the rate has not changed as of yet…when you look at the facts it’s very obvious. You don’t have to be intelligent or anything to realize what Iraq is doing. Iraq has put their entire economy on hold. They can no longer go any further at this point with their economy until this rate changes…they’ve pretty much told us they’re at the point and ready to change that rate…any forward economic progress is completely waiting on the rate change…

3-22-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …The ISX is said to come on line Tuesday. They have had time to change the rate and adjust share pricing, they have had almost a week now to do so and will need the rate ahead of open… IMO That would be hush hush mind you!! Just as is the meeting with Mnuchin and Congress is today.. The timing of this is huge imo!! …There are no coincidences here.. This is all coming together in sequence.. Sure there has been bumps in the road, but, the perfect storm is here and yet the sun is shining bright!

3-22-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy there are a lot of people they had bet the house that something was gonna happen between this weekend and the end of the month. Is it possible? Of course it is. There sure are a lot of signs out there that point to something hopefully happening…