Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-22-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-22-2020
3-22-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …The ISX is said to come on line Tuesday. They have had time to change the rate and adjust share pricing, they have had almost a week now to do so and will need the rate ahead of open… IMO That would be hush hush mind you!! Just as is the meeting with Mnuchin and Congress is today.. The timing of this is huge imo!! …There are no coincidences here.. This is all coming together in sequence.. Sure there has been bumps in the road, but, the perfect storm is here and yet the sun is shining bright!
3-22-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy there are a lot of people they had bet the house that something was gonna happen between this weekend and the end of the month. Is it possible? Of course it is. There sure are a lot of signs out there that point to something hopefully happening..
3-22-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …as you know the rate has not changed as of yet…when you look at the facts it’s very obvious. You don’t have to be intelligent or anything to realize what Iraq is doing. Iraq has put their entire economy on hold. They can no longer go any further at this point with their economy until this rate changes…they’ve pretty much told us they’re at the point and ready to change that rate…any forward economic progress is completely waiting on the rate change…
3-21-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …I believe from quite a few things that we could point to that supports this is #gameover…We haven’t seen any auctions of late…possibly because they are no longer going to be fed dollars to afford to be able to do them, as Iraq is to cease MCPs per Article 8 requirements of the IMF…So with Alak saying they are not going to devalue, oil having tanked and the dollar being scarce and has to cease being used in the auctions, the rate will have to increase! …My conversation today with Delta, aside from the turmoil from the cv19, the time frame we are in now is the best I have ever seen to date. I am not alone on that.
3-21-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy There’s a lot of people banking on the dinar changing this weekend…my feeling [is] the rate change would most likely happen sometime by the end of March or beginning of April…there’s plenty of reasons to believe that…it’s very quiet out in the dinar land. Are people eagerly waiting to see if it happens or there’s a lot of people who were bold enough to go ahead and make that prediction…we don’t do dates and we don’t do rates, the best that we could do is make an educated guess. No body knows okay but I told you there’s many reasons why I felt that it was time for Iraq to go ahead and make the change to the dinar right now more than ever…let’s keep our fingers crossed. Let’s just pray for those people who’ve been effected by the corona virus…
3-21-2020 Newshound Guru chattels I had always hoped that Iraq could realize an increase in the value of the dinar by stability, security and sound economic development. Iraq in and of itself has no chance in the near term. Some global realignment may be our only hope for gain in the foreseeable future.
3-21-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [No RV until Covid 19 is gone?] No…In order to make the helicopter money work…I believe they will time it at the same time for us to start hitting the banks. It’s a perfect cover… [What is Helicoptor money?] helicopter money is issued by the government [to] help people through a crises…
3-21-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …I think what’s happening with this whole coronavirus thing – it is crippling economies everywhere. Many people people have invested into the Iraqi dinar. One of the saving graces are gonna be the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar. It’s going to give economies everywhere a much-needed boost…