Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-2-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-2-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions3-2-2020 Newshound Guru Chattels “Iraqi President Bahram Salih accepts the withdrawal of Mohammed Allawi as PM nominee & begins look for a new candidate.”; “#Iraq PM designate@MohammedAllawi just tweeted he’ll not make further attempts to form an Iraqi govt following failure of parliament to get quorum to vote on his candidates. Key question now is who will be the next designate charged by the Iraq president, within 15 days.”

3-2-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Urgent .. Sources: Allawi Is Preparing To Announce His Withdrawal From The Mandate To Form A Government” I am not buying this latest news on withdrawal.. Not yet anyway.. Way to much at stake at this stage. And not to forget the accomplishments of the CBI.. The country still needs to run on money. Oil is putting pressure on everyone in the Region…

3-2-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …remember they…play a ton of games regarding their politics in the media. So be careful how you receive that [the prime minister tentatively resigning]…Even with what’s going on they still have a stable enough government to change the rate. Remember, the CBI never said they needed to have a fully completed seat of government. What the CBI said before they agree to delete the zeros they said Iraq needs to remove their corruption…the corruption is gone…I’m not worried about the formation of the government. That’s why I don’t put a huge emphasis on it…

3-2-2020 Newshound Guru Vital Brad …Allawi’s government did not pass and the deadline was today to make it happen…what does this mean? What happens now? …there’s been talks about having a final session to pass Allawi’s government but Haibousi, he’s the speaker of parliament, he reminds me of Adam Schiff or Nancy Pelosi, he’s trying to stop this at all costs. He’s come forth and said times up. He’s unsuccessful. Game over. This is what he wanted all along…Allawi officially apologized for the failure and announced his withdrawal. He wrote a letter to the President of the republic…Article Quote: “Saleh will begin consultation to select an alternative candidate within a period of 15 days.” 15 days will put us at the 17th or 18th of March…

3-1-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 Sunday’s vote has been postponed to Monday due to a lack of quorum. Baghdad news is broadcasting that Sadr is officially placed on the terrorist list for his actions regarding the murder of protestors. He faces severe sanctions from the US. It is rumored that Allawi will announce that he is resigning the Prime Minister appointment. Iraqi TV is reporting that Allawi will be a giving speech announcing his withdrawal from forming a cabinet. Time Will Tell!

3-1-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Question How many days will it take the bank to credit our accounts at the exchange? You trade in a million dinar and it’s worth a million dollars you get a million dollars credited to your bank account…electronically it’s instantly…

3-1-2020 Newshound Guru Whitelions COUNCIL OF REPRESENTATIVES SESSION ADJOURNS FOR DAY AFTER FAILING TO ACHIEVE QUORUM…ULAIMANI — A session of the Council of Representatives on Sunday (March 1) to vote on Prime Minister-designate Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi’s proposed cabinet has been postponed after failing to achieve quorum.

3-1-2020 Intel Guru Delta & Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Delta: THIS IS THE PROVE [PROOF ?] OF ARTICLE VIII FROM CBI 55 PAGES DOCUMENTS … Quote: “…and Iraq’s commitment to international agreements, in particular the application of provisions of texts Article 8 of the International Monetary Fund agreement…” MilitiaMan: Thank you Delta, bringing in the proof is fascinatingly apropos. You supported the data we have that they the CBI has offered the public. They have given notice of a change to come. They are on a time line now… That [document] gives legal text examples of the meaning for Foreign Currency and Hard Currency (USD) with respect to samples of internationalism to go along with it. They have and will have obligations now that they came out with that data. Whoo yahhh! imo Lets hope we see the train stop and the whistle blows the IQD announcement of a new international rate…!

3-1-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: Do you think the CBI is itching to push the button right after the announcement of the new seated government? I don’t know if the CBI is itching but I know we are. The United States is. The Fab 4 – all those who have taken them to that level they’re at now. I know I am as an investor. I know contractors are definitely itching for that button to be pushed. As far as the CBI itself, the first flapping of the wings leaving the nest they’re not easy…I think they’re ready. And I think they’re willing. And I think they’re being pushed to the point whether they like it or not…

3-1-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …From the CBIs perspective they are and have been ready and it is my understanding the CBI has publicly shown the citizens they are accepting the IMF obligations of Article 8. That was back on the 23rd of February 2020 in a 55 page report in Arabic. It mentions getting the flow of money to the citizens, lifting restrictions on their funds and allow freedom of external transfers of such funds. That report has me of the mind once it was published for the citizens, it was notice to the BIS…the citizens, and then to us that they are going to be lifting the exchange rate at a very close point in time, imo. Add in the printing of new notes, minting coins, all have been done with the afore being and end game notification if you will.. imo…