Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-18-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-18-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions3-18-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan “Iraq market: stop the organization of trading sessions and trading activity in securities as of tomorrow” Quote: “…the suspension of stock dealings from Tuesday 2020/3/17 to enable brokerage and investment companies to complete financial adjustments between them – starting again on 2020/3/24.” Oh!!! Man!!! They have to have things adjusted within that time frame above! Everything needs to be done and dusted by then!!! IOO, they’ll do this with Mahdi ioo…in other words we are getting paid!!!

3-18-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy … somebody want to explain to me how it is that you can say the rate is never gonna increase and get up to where it was at one time when in fact it used to be above $2. There’s no reason for it not to be reinstated up there again. Now I’ve made my pitch for why I think it’s gonna be $1.34 and I’ll stick to it still. Don’t get me wrong I would love to see it go up above $2…I would love to see it be reinstated as $3.20/$3.22 rate. The point I’m trying to make is this, the sanctions happened which caused it to lower the rate. It’s the 9th wealthiest nation in the world. It has tons of oil reserves as well as a bunch of other raw materials that are just not being tapped into right now. There’s no reason for this rate not get back up to where it was before…once they are back onto Forex and people are investing in their currency on a known foreign exchange platform this is gonna benefit…

3-18-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …apparently according to the media they’re got these time frames and apparently in about 3 weeks they’re gonna reopen the restaurants, the gathering places, the schools. How do they know that in 3 weeks everything’s gonna be okay? I think it’s because it’s tied to the Iraqi dinar timeframe…

3-18-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Article: “The President of the Republic assigns Adnan Al-Zarfi to officially head the government” …here’s a name for you: Adnan Al Zurfi. That’s the name of the person just appointed to the Iraqi Prime Minister position. Truthfully, my friends, it’s too soon right now to know if he will be the one to ring the bell for us. …Too early in this to get excited, but I’m happy to see something happening. Let the news roll in!

3-17-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article “Saleh assigns Adnan Al-Zarfi to form new Government” I talked about this happening and this should not be surprising. I hope they do this…Mahdi has failed to get anything accomplished while he was there. They had a transitional PM, it really went to crap…what I like about this…they should be dissolving the parliament. Quote: “Article 81…stating that if parliament does not vote for him on whom he chooses that any president of the Republic can dissolve the parliament.” … parliament really is the problem. They’re not getting anything accomplished because they refuse to work together…I’m happy they’re talking about dissolving the parliament. Let’s hope that happens.

3-17-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …If anyone goes to exchange their dinar right at a bank there’s a very good change you’re most likely gonna to pay roughly 1% in exchange fees off the top…that would be their fee. One direction I’m gonna go…I’m probably gonna go through Wells Fargo. They have what’s called PCS (Private Client Services). I’ve already talked to my financial adviser over there and he said…as long as there’s enough foreign currency involved he can get me a better exchange rate than a traditional bank branch can. So that’s one of the routes and directions I’m gonna go when this does happen…

3-17-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ …we are still sitting here eating popcorn and watching the show. It is unfolding hot, and heavy and hard…They have to reset the currency now…they have nothing left…there is nothing you or I can do but watch it play out. […they have appointed a new PM in Iraq. Has 30 days to appoint cabinet.] I heard that…I heard from one contact in Iraq who says they expect to start depegging on Wed. of their currency…that may be the “go” for us…

3-17-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …it’s interesting that the Iraq Stock Exchange said it will not organize trading sessions and stop trading activities in securities as of tomorrow…I saw another article that said they would not reopen until March 22nd…Is that a date that just keeps magically popping up?… I do know the stock exchange has stopped its activity. Why? That’s a good question. They’re gonna say it’s the oil crisis but even so that shouldn’t stop people from going ahead and working with the stock exchange as far as buying from home…Does this mean anything? Maybe they are making the adjustments for the new rate.

3-17-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 President Salih appoints Adnan Al Zurfi as Prime Minister designate. He now has 30 days to form his cabinet which he must then put to a vote of confidence in Iraq’s fractious Parliament. The US approves him…he was verbally against the political leaders not listening to the demands of the citizens. Al Zurfi was a former official of the US-run authorities that took over Iraq after the 2003 US invasion that deposed former ruler Saddam Hussein. Al Zurfi has deep ties that favor the US and he may face a very difficult time from the blocs.

3-17-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff As of Tuesday the 17th they’ll be stopping trading [ISX stock exchange]…Remember the stock market uses the rate for trading so they need to stop trading to give them time to change the rate. Just more confirmation…They’re gonna stop trading as of today the 17th and then they’re going to resume on the 24th.