Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-11-2023
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-11-2023
3-11-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East What I’m gonna show you today I’m not sure about. Somebody send it to me…they sent me the video of it…I’m not sure. I don’t know if this guy printed them but I’m gonna show you the fifty new Iraqi dinars…if it’s not true it’s not me. Somebody send it to me. WARNING: This is a HIGHLY suspect image at this point. This may turn out to be nothing BUT Guru Nader shared because it could turn out to be important. The image may be our first glimpse of the new small category dinar notes.
3-11-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am still getting reports that they expect to start training folks on the lower denoms as early as next week. When this does occur I guess there may be a total blackout in communications in Iraq…or canned and recycled news. They will need a few days to keep things quiet…imo. Before they let everyone into the banks.
3-10-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: The news…saying we’re going to be the hub for the trading world for the region as well as to reach international means. Telling us our float will add value to our currency. FRANK: We March into the month of March to show your new exchange rate and your new small category notes and everything you just told me enforces it…
3-10-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram The currency rate still does not show 1300 dinars to $1 U.S. on the international markets. We are waiting for so much more to happen. We know Iraq has the ability but what we have to wonder is if they have the desire…
3-10-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] From Iraq: “The Central Bank of Iraq decides to only use local currency at ATM’s” Think about this – their money doesn’t have much value right now…it takes a big stack just to buy groceries or pay bills. But…now the ATMS are only set up to dispense Iraqi dinar. Why would they do this? They are clearly anticipating more value and lower denominations…I am excited on the news we are getting…finally seeing something tangible and real that we can see.
3-10-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Regarding dealing with the yuan, which is the Chinese currency, [The council of Ministers] says there’s a continuous communication by the Central Bank with Chinese banks in order to activate and allow merchants to directly transfer…Iraq is gearing to be fully international trading dinar for yuan for foreign trade is so timely…I pretty happy about that I think you all should be as well…
3-10-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …we’ve heard this from three or more different sources – some are saying that we will receive this [notifications] in three to four days, which would be Friday, Saturday, Sunday…or Monday…two other sources has specifically said that we would receive this over the weekend…I just don’t know if it’s going to stretch us out to early next week…I know it’s coming…So we are really, really close…I would think we’d be pretty, pretty good shape for Saturday or Sunday.
3-10-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “The Central Bank of Iraq decides to us the local currency only with ATMs” That’s good. I’m excited about that. To me it’s a big step. It’s one of the things you got to do is start getting people away from the US dollar. Get them in the habit of using their local currencies.
3-10-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “When they get to 1 to 1 will it float internationally immediately?” Yes instantly. One day you’re going to wake up and you’re going to go to the CBI website and you’re going see the new exchange rate. There won’t be any jet airplanes flying over Iraq. There won’t be any guns going off in celebration. It’ll be a normal business day.
3-10-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] After years of the same old roller coaster…the news has been solid and it’s all good …everything is prepared and ready. There are rumors in Iraq that the lower denominations could be released next week. [Guru] Nader says he believes it [dinar] will be worth 3 to 4 times than the US dollar. And I believe that is accurate.
3-10-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East Remember in December…I said when Iraq we started using only dinars that’s where you’re gonna be happier. You’re gonna see the difference…then couple days ago and said, ‘Hey Iraq would be using only dinar next couple of days’. That’s what happened yesterday…
3-10-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Sudanese advisor: The “parallel” exchange rate will approach the “official” in this case” Quote: “Saleh said, If the daily sales of the Central Bank of Iraq window reach approximately $200 million per working day and continuously, then certainly the parallel market will shrink and exchange rates in it will approach the fixed central official market”
3-10-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 We are now in the month of March and we’re marching into the monetary reform education that we call the 2nd article from the CBI. Very very soon. I still hoping this week…deep in my heart no later than next week IMO there’s going to be another article coming out and it’s going to show them the new exchange rate and the new small category notes and explain everything to them, including the float.
3-10-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] A good, solid article from the CBI. “The Central Bank decides to use the local currency only at ATMs“ Why is this important? This is their de-dollarization …by only using their dinar it is telling us they think their currency is steady and stable. This is fantastic news.
3-10-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat … Over the weekend I talked to my CBI contact and I was told to expect the second of the two rate changes “within 7 to 14 days”. Then I was also told they needed to begin the education process of the newer lower denominations and we could expect this effort only when we get really close…It is my guess that these newer notes should come out sometime in March or early April…
3-10-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The news today from the CBI is flat out telling us and I quote – “ADOPTION OF THE NATIONAL CURRENCY” in Iraq. Yes, this was the CBI itself telling us this news… they already de-pegged from the dollar and we are now just waiting for the second new rate adjustment and then then new basket of currencies that they will re-peg to once they move to FOREX….Folks we are soooooo close to the RV I can hardly maintain myself and stay calm…