Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-11-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-11-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions3-11-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …they’re threatening $20 a barrel for oil…this is a war between Saudi Arabia and Russia as far as energy is concerned. Putin sparked the oil war…let’s see how long it lasts but instantaneously the price of oil dropped 21%. What does this do for the Iraqi people? This just kills them…Iraq is so dependent on their oil…the United Nations needs to let Iraq lift off the sanctions. They need to let them deal internationally. They have to let those sanctions go. Move from chapter 7 into chapter 8…that allows them then to change the rate. I still think it’s gonna come out at around $1.34. This allows Iraq’s economy to go ahead and start being competitive. To start bringing in outside investors…this might be the thing that triggers the rate change so keep your fingers crossed…

3-11-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …The auctions absolutely will go away once the CBI accepts IMF Article VIII. There will be little need once the dinar is traded globally. In fact, it is preferred. And once the dinar floats, the global financial system will trade the dinar and its value qill be determined by market forces.

3-11-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [So much stalling and kicking the can makes you wonder.] There is no stalling or kicking the can. For the first time in 15 years the can isn’t getting kicked. Things are actually getting done.

3-11-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …IMO the exchange rate is already in place. They are having meetings and talking about this. They have deep discussions about the current situation of the monetary reform of exactly where it’s at right now. It’s important for them. They’re talking IMO about the exchange rate not the calculations of it but its implementation. The CBI is retouching bases with their banks again and is completed. And they’re all on the same page. They’re all on the same date. There are ongoing meetings. They’re doing it right now…they’re talking about the rate…they’re speaking of a specific time-line and date of the redenomination…will this take a long time to accomplish? IMO no..

3-10-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling I’ve never had fear of the Iraqi dinar gaining value. It’s just at what pace and at what rate. I have more confidence today than I’ve ever had. But the dinar crowd this is gonna be a prayer answered and then it’s gonna be taken away because the most important part of what they need to know they’re not even looking at. They’re just worried about getting the money. You have to have a tax plan in place… [Speak to your tax professional at the appropriate time…]

3-10-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …we are waiting for our third miracle. This miracle is finding that person who will be the saving grace for Iraq to stand up to all the corruption. This corruption stems from Iranian backed militias, the strong-arm of the Iranian backed politicians. I believe this person is Mohammed Allawi. Yes, he did not get his way with the cabinet he wanted and so he backed out, for now. But he will return as he is the man for the job and will come back in time. …Once Allawi has the legitimate power he needs we will see the necessary changes. Literally, things can change very quickly. It is amazing what a difference a day can make. We wait for this miracle.

3-10-2010 Newshound Guru Angel1 …There was breaking news all across the [Iraqi] news networks and what they were talking about there was going to be a Q & A interview with the PM Mahadi and the Minister of Finance. I am desperately trying to get my hands on the translation…I believe it was a good piece of what we are looking for. [Reference Frank26 3-10-2020 below] We are in an incredible position…what we were waiting for was happening on the other side of the world. I cannot stress enough – things are on red alert…what we have been seeing behind the scenes has been happening…we are starting to see the public results of private meetings and that is why we’re excited…

3-10-2020 Intel/Newshound Guru Frank26 …the next thing IMO that we should be seeing is the CBI governor Allaq and representations, the Prime Minister Mahadi right now under the caretaker government as a whole and the minister of Finance…those three entities to do a Q & A broadcast presentation speech to the country of Iraq in strong support of the redenomination process of the Iraqi dinar. IMO we’re at a good stage for lift off..

3-10-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …There’s one main thing we’re both [Guru Pimpy] looking for. When we see it we’re gonna bring it forth and show it to you. It’s almost here. It’s gonna confirm everything that we’ve shared with you to let you know you’re right there and right on the cusp and edge of this thing. When we see it we will share that with you…we are looking amazing. We’re still right on track with everything…

3-10-2020 Intel Guru Footforward …as of right now my feeling is this could be done by the end of march.

3-10-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …we believe the coronavirus has put the CBI in a very comfortable wonderful situation where they were lacking the mechanism to bring in the 3 zeros in order to complete the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar…they’re telling them they’ll give you new currency when you bring in your three zeros…they say the reason why is they’re saying they want you to bring in the currency that has the virus on it. But that’s silly. That’s ridiculous because the teller is not wearing a med-hat suit. He’s not wearing gloves. He’s not in a bubble…he’s giving them the new small category notes…the logic is a bunch of baloney. It’s not true at all. The CBI is using it to their advantage… the CBI has begun a very strategic usage of this…


3-10-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …Most of my sources are expecting something to happen between now and Thursday. For money to move and us to be in the banks by Friday. That is the current rumors running around from my financially connected folks…Redemption Center staff are manned and expect to work this weekend…I am still excited at where we are at.

3-10-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Vietnam has their ducks in a row way more than Iraq does. They don’t have a problem with their government. It’s not unstable. Their economy is pretty healthy and things seem to be going pretty good there…Vietnam is ready to really take a more active role on the international scene. They want to start doing business with other businesses in the United States…the banks want to get involved…this is great news if you hold Vietnam dong because the stronger they get the stronger the Vietnam dong becomes…April 6 is [when] the new Trump policies are being implemented that if any country is found manipulating their currency there’s additional tariffs, penalties and sanctions put on them. Vietnam was red hot on their list…this is good. This is what we want…

3-10-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling Will the lack of a Prime Minister have an effect on the revaluation? No I don’t see it that way. Remember the CBI is in charge of handing their currency…