Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-1-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-1-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions3-1-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff Iraq is completely on par with Kuwait. Iraq and Kuwait’s fiscal year (I know this for a fact because I’ve already consulted with the Iraq government) is April through March of the following year. That’s why Kuwait changed at the end of April [March?] to accommodate the March fiscal year…If you want to know when Iraq’s doing their rate change, they’re doing it on the exact same historical Sunday when Kuwait did theirs…Iraq is following in Kuwait’s footsteps.

3-1-2021 Newshound Guru Adam Montana …In GOI news, Iraq is muddling through the final stages of the Budget. We don’t need the Budget to be complete before an RV, but a “happy agreement” between the Kurds and Baghdad will do a lot to grease the wheels…

2-28-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Zafer Al-Ani: Parliament Will Continue Its Sessions Until The Budget Is Approved” Quote: “the budget has reached its final stages, leaving nothing but the announcement of the agreement with the Kurdistan region regarding the percentage determined for it in the budget and other matters that will be completed within the next few days.” Well well well. They are continuing the session tomorrow. The 1st of March. They’ll be at it until budget law is approved, so they say. Leaving nothing but an announcement. Well they’ll need to announce a rate with that now wouldn’t they? …A new exchange rate can fix many ailments.. imo…

2-28-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy The problem with us dealing with the dinar is this. In order for the dinar to have any kind of purchasing power or to get any real change on the exchange rate there has to be some stability there. Already all around we’re starting to see crap happen. Iran, Syria bombings, missile attacks within Iraq…Biden hasn’t even been in office two months and already the shit’s falling apart…I don’t like the way it looks although there’s some good things happening over there in Iraq. The financial grade [B rating] is good. The reserves are building that’s good…so there are some good things. I’m just pissed about the way this current administration is too much into bombing crap…You gotta take the good news, bad news, the ugly news. You gotta take it all. Stay grounded.

2-28-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff Question: “How will the Iraqi people prosper from or benefit from the rate change?” …it gives the Iraqi citizens and the Government of Iraq purchasing power…there’s only one way for Iraqi citizens to get rich. They have to keep and exchange the 3 zero notes after the rate change…

2-28-2021 Newshound Guru Adam Montana …I’m still in daily communications with all of my dinar contacts. I still get my usual briefings from the important people on dinar… The last time I touched on the price of OIL was quite a while ago – I was optimistic even though oil prices were only at $40ish. Where are they today? $61! Which happens to be above where we need them to be for a launch of the RV…

2-28-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “The Central Bank Announces A rise In Cash Reserves To More Than 55 Billion Dollars” That’s good we want the reserves to be up higher. The higher it goes…it’s really good for the currency…It’s because one of the thing that gives its strength is the fact that there’s a lot of reserves. This is very very good…

2-28-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff Tweet from the Iraqi government: “Setting a new exchange rate for the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar is part of the economic reform program adopted by the @IraqiGovt, which aims to address the immediate financial crisis and placing the Iraqi economy on a sustainable path.” Since roughly Monday of this past week is when they starting putting a huge emphasis on the exchange rate as we approach the implementation of the budget and their new fiscal year of April 1st…

2-28-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “TO THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH TO THE CENTRAL BANK OF IRAQ PROPOSING THE NEED TO AMEND THE EXCHANGE RATE OF THE IRAQI DINAR TOWARDS THE US DOLLAR” Of course there are many objections to the 1450 devalued rate of the dinar. They people don’t understand fully the reasons behind it. This article is pushing for just what we want… Article quote: “A new EXCHANGE RATE IS REQUIRED FOR THE IRAQI DINAR TOWARDS THE US DOLLAR, WHICH IS ONE DINAR EQUALS ONE US DOLLAR…and work in the future to return a new exchange rate. EACH DINAR EQUALS $3, AS IT WAS PREVIOUSLY.” …With oil expecting to climb way over $100 a barrel Iraq will be swimming in wealth and its an excellent time to do this…