Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-4-2024
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-4-2024
2-4-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Let’s say you have 10-20 million dinars and you take it to a bank and you exchange it. No bank in the United States of America is going to hold your millions in their bank. Not physically and probably not electronically…You cannot park that much money in an American Bank. You may have to exchange your money in stages. You have to find protection for you money. The bank is not going to let you put more than they can cover in their bank…Some banks may change that and say we can cover that. Ask the bank… [Look into] Treasury Bonds, annuities…trust funds, property…precious metals…I’m going to diversity in these and many others. [NOTE: Consult your financial advisors at the appropriate time about a diversification strategy that’s right for your unique exchange amounts and circumstances.]
2-4-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy We know Iraq is doing everything possible to get back on track and in the good graces of the international community. The problem is they got Iran as one of their neighbors…that keeps bringing all kinds of conflict into their country…Turkey…the Untied States as well as Iran have done bombings inside Iraq. All this is against their sovereignty. These are acts of war. There’s not a whole lot Iraq can do about it…The last thing you want to see is Iraq all of a sudden become unstable.
2-3-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Article “Securities: Electronic payment outlets are witnessing significant progress” There is a massive volume of dinars being moved electronically around the world in many banks.
2-3-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy People are like, ‘Are we going to get this rate reinstated?’ You don’t want that $3.22 rate to happen because you know what they’re going do? They’ll delete the zeros first, swap out the currencies and then change the exchange rate. What you should hope should happen is we get to keep the same dinars that we have now and they keep going up in increments. Then we have the value of the extra three zeros on there…
2-3-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Iraq is doing a phenomenal job…Thinking that this is never going to get done? And we have issues? Well of course. The Middle East has always got issues. But are they getting better? Yeah…Anybody and everybody that owns the Iraqi dinar…should have an idea where the Development Road Project is headed and where where their outlets are in the Mediterranean and in Europe. It’ll make you wake up.
2-3-2024 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Kuwait receives oil revenue in its currency. Wrong. Kuwait is a member of OPEC and receive its oil revenue in US dollars just like Iraq. It’s all about how you spend your profits. This is why the IMF encourages Iraq to create more streams of income…
2-3-2024 Guru Nader From The Mid East A lot of people’s comparing Iraq with Kuwait. Kuwait is only 4,400,000 people…they have 104 billion barrels of oil. Iraq has 140 billion barrels oil and this is only with the 4 or 5 manufacturers. The other ones are not working yet. Iraq from here to 2025 will almost 300 billion barrel of oil…
2-3-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 This week into next week many banks around the world are talking about what the CBI deliver to the GOI and they talk about it in Davos. They know when it’s to be delivered, they know the rate, they know the date, they know everything. It is approaching us very very soon. It is highly possible we are right around that two month range based on what I know…It’s going to explode. It’s going to climb so quickly…It might happen so fast that it might jeopardize us. We need to make decision quick…
2-3-2024 Intel/Newshound Guru Holly Things are moving in the right direction and we are definitely looking good for this event to happen. I will not give a date when. Just sit tight and stay grounded till this happens.
2-3-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy A LOP is the removal and deletion of the zeros…There’s no difference between them. It’s removing the zeros off the currency. I’ve challenged all these people million times, show me proof. Show us an article where it says the deletion, removal or lopping of the zeros is coming off the exchange and not the actual currency…
2-3-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man When we say non-oil economy – Iraq’s currency back in the day during Saddam Hussein was $3.22…I think everybody can agree with that…it’s public information. That was on oil only. You didn’t add in tourism…gold…reserves..natural gas…hydrogen… lithium…taxes and tariffs at the borders…Everybody that is invested in the Iraqi dinar…should know…these things to be evident and true…
2-3-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Chase Bank story] I went into Chase Bank to speak to the wealth manager… [I asked] Are you aware of the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar? She looked at me and chuckled and said I just got out of a meeting on that…I started asking questions and she says, as a banker I cannot answer those question right now…personally I can tell you things are moving. She said, I will put you in my computer to call you in two months if I have not heard from you.
2-3-2024 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …redemption centers are ready. The rates have been coming up on the screens of banks and redemption centers…they are significantly higher at the redemption centers than the banks…And I think you guys will be more than pleased…
2-3-2024 Guest Guru Sah I think Iraq is finally getting it. What is safe in an international market going forward. They are finally listening the the World Bank and the IMF and not blowing them off. About time to get going in the right direction. Better late than ever.