Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-8-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-8-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-8-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “Urgent Parliamentary Finance: The government will reformulate the 2021 budget and send it to Parliament next week” Quote: “Ministry of Finance and the International Monetary Fund to update the exchange rate of the the Iraqi dinar…” I stressed to you that the borrowing law was the last step needed in order for them to change the exchange rate. That’s why right now Iraq’s putting a huge emphasis on the exchange rate, their economy and on the banking reforms…they have to change the rate by the back wall the end of March…everything’s looking really good…

12-8-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Parliament Presidency: The 2021 budget will be approved faster than its predecessors” I’m excited about it. I’m curious to see where this is heading. Yes, we know about the rate change. It looks like it’s going to happen. I’m surprised they’re being so open about it…It looks like this budget is going to be done ahead of time. Nice. We’ll see.

12-7-2020 Intel Guru Footforward Article: “Negotiations between Iraq and the International Monetary Fund to determine the exchange rate of the dinar” …I think the IMF has been pushing Iraq for at least 6 months to do this. So I don’t think this is a new development. Just a renewed push on the part of the IMF…they are wanting them to increase their rate.

12-7-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Oil disturbs Iraq’s 2021 budget: an expected update of the “dinar exchange rate” and amending the numbers to “reduce the financial deficit!” So here we go talking about the rate change again. It’s been mentioned all week long…they’re not even hiding it anymore. There is a lot of talk about the exchange rate…we know the rate change has to be discussed…It looks like they are going to make it part of the 2021 budget…yes, I’m excited like you are…

12-7-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Most of their articles right now are talking about the exchange rate and launching their economy and getting it international. When they put an emphasis on something they’re telling you what they’re working on it. They’re telling you they’re in the process of working on that exchange rate. They’re telling you they’re at the end of the road and they’re ready and preparing to change that exchange rate. They’re telling you that is their next step. It does not get any better than where we stand right now. We are in the best position we’ve ever been in…

12-7-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We have a crazy week ahead of us… Money did not move over the weekend and Iraq did not get a new rate. Still hearing lots of chatter from Iraq …they expect a vote on Tuesday or Wednesday (Note: not sure on what?)

12-7-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …There is a lot of talk about the rate change. This whole past week has been crazy. Real crazy. Lots of articles about the rate and the rate change…and it’s been back and forth. We heard they want to lop the zeros off…devalue the dinars…I told you guys it makes no sense. There’s been lots of studies done that show that that’s not a good move for Iraq because it effects the poor and devaluing your money is really bad when it comes to increasing the amount of debt. Now lopping the zeros off the exchange rate would be a huge benefit for us. There’s been a lot of indications that that is the direction they plan on going to. No, we don’t know the date. No, we don’t know the rate…But they explained several times why they will not devalue the dinar…

12-7-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff This is very very important. Here’s an older article September 6, 2012 “Delete the zeros must be at the beginning of a fiscal year” They can only delete their zeros (that means change the rate) at the beginning of a new fiscal budget period…here’s why…this is a different article from August 12, 2012 “Saleh drew the interest of the Exchange must be with the new fiscal year, the Iraq government’s accounts cannot be registered in the same year, two forms of financial values” They cannot have 2 different exchange rates during the same fiscal year …Iraq’s fiscal year before they went under the Chapter 7 sanctions…so prior to 1990…was April through March…

12-7-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Iraq is pretty much now out of Chapter 7 sanctions…They got off the OFAC list and everybody else’s naughty list…this article came out yesterday “Oil disturbs Iraq’s 2021 budget: an expected update of the dinar exchange rate and amending the number to reduce the financial deficit!” There’s only one thing…that needs and requires the exchange rate. It’s a reform payment for the funding of the reforms…And we know they have to make that payment by the end of March…that means they also have to change the rate by the end of March… Quote “the ministry of Finance and the International Monetary Fund to update the Iraqi dinar exchange rate before the end of the fiscal year.” You guys are in the best position that you’ve ever been. Iraq can now change the rate anytime between now and the end of March.

12-7-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Oil “disturbs” Iraq’s 2021 budget: an expected update of the “dinar exchange rate” and amending the numbers to “reduce the financial deficit!” Quote: “…with a special committee from the Ministry of Finance and the International Monetary Fund to update the Iraqi dinar exchange rate before the end of the fiscal year,…” …Look who is showing up tomorrow to meet with some key players…The Ministry of Finance and the IMF are talking about a change is coming to IQD exchange rate… They are going to a market economy are they not? They are not going to devalue that is sure, imo. They are going to increase the value, imo by the deletion of the three zeros from the exchange rate. Hence, the need for the new small category notes the CBI spent tens of millions on…The broadcasting of the exchange rate to change speaks out oh so very loudly…Lets see what they do next…