Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-8-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-8-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-8-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling Article: “Iraq, Kuwait and Qatar are the only major OPEC producers able to balance their budget. According to current prices of 58 dollars per barrel Iraq, Kuwait and Qatar are the only major producers who can balance their budget…Kuwait needs $48 to reach break even point. While Qatar can balance it’s budget by a barrel of oil of about $47…according to IMF data Iraq requires $55 per barrel.” So there we have it…the budget that I had and the numbers I was looking at was about $58 to $60. So I don’t know where these numbers come from but let’s assume these guys are right they’re saying the data came from the IMF. “Iraq requires $55 per barrel to achieve a break. Saudi Arabia needs $88.” We know Saudi Arabi doesn’t need $88 anymore because they got opened up to U.S. markets. So the UAE needs $71. Amman [Jordan] needs $77. Iran needs $111…and Libya needs $114. So that’s what we’re looking at, $55 per barrel. Remember it’s long-term…We’re trying to shut out Iran. We’re trying to offer a way out to Iraq that makes them a partner with us. And they’re probably going to take it because they’re looking at what’s happening with Saudi Arabia.

12-8-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “THE DELAY IN THE FORMATION OF THE GOVERNMENT IN BAGHDAD HAS HINDERED ACCESS TO LOAN FUNDS AND GRANTS” so because it is taking so long to form this new govt, it is now beginning to overflow into the financial system of Iraq too. Can you see why they need to choose an honest minister of interior? So it not all about the dinar RV that is holding up the funding from investors but rather the elections.

12-8-2018 Intel Gurus Delta and Frank26 They changed how they are putting their mathematical rate on their site. This is exciting…they didn’t give us an exchange rate. Because now we’re going to have the exact exchange rate based on international calculations, which is where it’s going to be $1.50 to $2.00, $3.00, whatever they come up. But definitely the numbers are all calculated…It looks like the CBI now is ready to release the new rate and it could happen at any moment now…


12-7-2018 Intel Guru Delta “Iraq new 500-dinar note (B359a) confirmed” “Iraq new 250-dinar note (B358a) confirmed” THE 1000 NOTE WAS OUT LAST MONTH….BUT 250 500 JUST COMING OUT NOW FOR A REASON!!!

12-7-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So Thursday came and went and still no vote on the remaining two last ministers…the minister of interior and defense… But negotiations are now underway. …President Barham Saleh confirmed the completion of the government formation in accordance with the constitution. We know that Iraq had until Dec 4th to meet the constitutional deadline to form the government. But what about the other 2 ministers for Mahdi’s cabinet? So this news from Saleh is not entirely accurate. But technically they can say it is since Mahdi just uses the “proxy” excuse and assumes the interior and defense ministers himself.

12-7-2018 Intel Guru Bruce …We know we can celebrate on the one hand because Iraq finally did what it is they were supposed to do putting everything in the Gazette…Wednesday as indicated. We had confirmations that happened. We do have confirmation of a rate…today for the Iraqi dinar at $6.78. It does not mean that is the final rate, but it is the rate that was available today. It can be traded up and it can be traded down. It is just an indicator for you. …I know Iraq is done. Iraq has done what they said they would do. …I think we are in the position we can say virtually anytime. …I am not going to call it. I am just going to tell you I think we are really looking good the next couple of days.

12-7-2018 Intel Gurus Frank26 and Delta …another huge thing…I do think, they are de-pegging from the dollar. The Iraqi Dinar was pegged to the US Dollar, ONLY, for the last 13-14 years. …we talked about this a long time ago, when we see that they have 3 digits next to the decimal point, then we know that they are de-pegging from the US dollar. …I know they are going to peg to the basket of currency. …But for them to do that now…would give you an indication that they are really REALLY very close to show us the rate…Reinstate their currency.