Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-19-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-19-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-19-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy “The Financial Committee announces the details of its meeting with the governor of the Central Bank regarding the price of the dollar” Don’t be fooled by this…What I think they are trying to do is discourage people from buying them or to get people to turn them in. I could be wrong. I’m just saying this did happen with Kuwait. They told everybody no rate change was going to happen for a while and in fact they were going to go ahead and increase it but they didn’t. Two days later they came out Boomshakalaka!

12-19-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The exchange rates of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar in the markets of Baghdad and Kurdistan rose again after witnessing fluctuations during the past days. …The Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, Bashir Al-Haddad, denied, on Wednesday, what was circulated regarding the entry of the Iraqi government into negotiations with the International Monetary Fund to reduce the price of the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar or the secret printing of trillions of dinars by the CBI…The CBI and the Finance Committee asserted that these rumors are just untrue…I am still hearing that the CBI plans to delete the zeros but these rumors and lies is slowing down the process…

12-18-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [Is it possible they are adjusting the rate prior to dropping .000 off the exchange to get the desired rate post revalue?] if you believe they will just drop the zeros you could make a case for that. I’ve said very strongly in my opinion they can’t just do that. They have to RV higher then one to one.

12-18-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] We know that there’s a synchronization of events taking place – we know that we have a major move happening either tomorrow [Friday] or over the weekend…but what is coming through now is that President Trump does want us to get started with our…exchanges – in fact…prior to Christmas…The most recent timeframe that I received today – again a very high east coast banking source – was we should look for notifications – this particular source was saying Saturday – Sunday – Monday – possibly Tuesday – but thinking probably start by Monday…

12-18-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “The Central Bank is preparing for measures to achieve a balance between the dinar and the dollar” We’ve been hearing a lot of talk about the rate change…I kind of think what they are going to go ahead and do is raise the exchange rate. But I don’t think it’s going to be for long at all. We don’t care about what they say, we care about what they do. They might say they’re going to raise it and then all of a sudden BOOM they lower [Lower it is what we want to see] it’s then we’re celebrating big time.

12-18-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …contacts in Iraq are hopeful they will see the new rate on or by the 21st…We are expecting a lot of news today…so there is a good chance you will hear from me over this weekend. It looks like we are going to see an action packed weekend of news. [Mark do you still believe we’re going to have this RV Before Christmas honestly?] IMO if they don’t release it over the weekend…I honestly do not think so until early in January…its down to crunch time and not looking Bueno…

12-18-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “The Central Bank sets a new price for the dollar starting from Sunday” A bunch of articles have come out where they’re talking about physically changing the rate this Sunday. Actually, ‘raising the rate’ which means devaluing the currency…They are telling you in the news they plan or intend to change the rate Sunday…Are these articles real/truthful? Or are they BS?

12-18-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “The Central Bank is preparing for measures to achieve a balance between the dinar and the dollar” Even if they do increase the rate what that means is if they increase it – for every dollar right now I get 1190 dinar. If they increase it I get like 1200 dinars. That’s an increase. That’s bad. That’s devaluing the money. That’s bad for us. I don’t want you to get discouraged. The fact that they’re doing anything with the rate change is good. Even if they increase it. It just means now we’ll start seeing some movement on the dinar. It might be going in the wrong direction but I would not be fooled by that. Just hang tight to your dinars…

12-18-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The globalist talk about a “reset” has a ton of losers, and it won’t happen. Iraq resetting their value is just one country, with a lot of winners, and not many losers. It’s a tiny event that won’t rock the entire world, even though our world will be rocked. We are little people. Iraq is a little country, in the grand scheme. While I think a “global reset” would possibly be amazing, and do amazing things, it’s also amazingly improbable. The Iraq RV is another story. It’s likely, and it’s likely soon.