Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-19-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-19-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-19-2019 Newshound Guru Adam Montana This update is one of the most optimistic ones I’ve had the pleasure of writing in quite some time. We’re transitioning into the next scene for Iraq, and it’s happening now…When the rioting was in full force, I stated that we were in for a bit of a wait. Turns out it was only a couple months. The next step is to place someone in the Prime Minister position, and that looks like it’s going to happen fairly quick.

12-19-2019 Newshound Guru Adam Montana At this time, we have a Budget that is on track, including full agreement that the KRG will pay their share of the budget with 250,000 barrels of oil. Article 140, related to some disputed territories, is front and center again. This is an issue that won’t be completely resolved immediately, but it doesn’t need to be. “80% done is done enough” on that matter for us to see the HCL move.

12-19-2019 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Those three items – New Prime Minister, Article 140, and Baghdad and KRG agreeing so peacefully on a number for the Budget, are all GREAT for seeing the HCL move, and that’s what we need to open the path for an increase in the exchange rate. Fingers crossed for HCL news, because when that hits the press…it’s probably a done deal at that time. We could be a couple weeks out from a huge change. This is all coming together at the same general time, and the combination is exciting. GO HCL. GO RV. GO IRAQ!

12-18-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I asked [my CBI source] about a rate and I was told that the in-country rate will be around 83 cents to the dinar. This is nothing new and remains consistent. All you have to do is do the math. Take 1 (US dollar and divide it by the provisional rate (which is now 1200 dinars to the dollar). 1 / 1200 = .00083, then drop the three zeros (as part of deleting the three zeros) and you get .83 or 83 cents.

12-18-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat They do not know the international rate exactly but the CBI was told years ago that the fair value of the dinar for international trading could be expected around $3.50+. Remember this is the rate mostly for the US based on the US dollar if you were to exchange the dinar in the US. Other countries will base it off their own currency. Remember this is not talking about the rate in Iraq for everyday rate and use.

12-18-2019 Intel Guru Bruce I can tell you things are happening…We get a lot of different information from a lot of different sources…we are at the point where…we should be paying very close attention – I would say not starting tonight maybe but starting tomorrow [Wednesday]…I’ve heard other information not only from the banks but from redemption centers and other individuals that are in the know that are talking about this happening over the next couple of days…Wed or Thurs…I’m bringing to you what I’m getting…I do think they have a deadline they actually want to stay with and I believe it’s going to be sometime this week…

12-18-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …Will the rate change at the beginning of the year? …you have to look at all the layers. What’s in the 2020 budget? 90% of the demonstrators demands. If 90% of the demonstrators demands are in the budget – Article 140, HCL, reforms, reconstruction – every one of those items are post rate change. They haven’t even started the budget yet. Not even the first reading. And they announced last week that they are going to roll out a temporary month to month budget…they basically just told you more time is needed…

12-18-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …paying attention to Iraq. They are supposed to seat a new Prime Minister tomorrow. It’s very festive there…they are excited to be kicking Iran out of their country. On the US side all we have is rumors…I cannot prove or disprove it. It could be factual and we are looking at the release by tomorrow or by the weekend…we just do not know. I am very positive that we are at the end of this…we just do not know what day is the end.

12-18-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So recently…I contacted my CBI source again and asked some important questions. One of the questions was, of course, are they moving ahead again on the “project to delete the zeros”. To my surprise and amazement, I was told “affirmative” and that they now have support to move more aggressively and quicker. Trust me in the midst of all this chaos I was really surprised to hear this wonderful news. This was WOW! news to my ears. I was told the timeframe matched from now until it is done but probably more like in 2019 than in 2020.

12-18-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The timing really depends on a few factors meaning: 1) the passing of the new election law (and review by the US and IMF); 2) who is selected for the new prime minister; 3)the US is also working out a deal with Iran on getting them the hell out of Iraq or else….(military force is an option). So, these three main issues are at a balance and I was told to watch the progress of all three of them closely…WOW! Folks the news could not get any better. Just hang on to your seats, this is going to happen soon.