Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-30-18
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-30-18
11-30-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 Rates were fluctuating today…was informed that they were testing the system. Hmmmmm? Time Will Tell All! A GOOD SOURCE SAYS, “INVITATIONAL EXCHANGES” ARE STARTING TO TAKE PLACE…TIME WILL TELL.
11-30-2018 Intel Guru Bruce [via PinkRoses]… we told you we were looking for everything to go into the Gazette on Wednesday from Iraq, and it did. Everything was put in there. We got confirmation on that…the G20…starts Saturday in Buenos Aires, Argentina…It is a (2) day meeting. …the Prime Minister Xi in China, he wants this blessing as we tend to call it, the GCR, let’s call it the RV for our purposes, he wants this done well ahead of the G20 meeting on Saturday… It could be hours, a day. What we are saying is this is so close. …I really think we are down to the point where we are up against the wall, and there is absolute desire to get this done now…Do not be surprised if something does happen by Saturday, before Saturday, on Saturday…because Saturday is December 1st, and we believe they want this done prior to that. Let’s see what happens.
11-30-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Quote: “In Baghdad and in cities across Iraq, blocked off roads are being reopened, checkpoints removed and blast-walls dismantled, as Iraqis begin to build a peaceful, secure and prosperous future.” They are showing the world they are on the offensive and the capital will be a place they will be able to freely move about equally.. Security and Stability… A very vital issue and barrier done for the people… All very good and the timing is perfect! IMO.
11-29-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “260+ attend IBBC Iraq Reconstruction Conference” Quote: “IBBC welcomed 260+ delegates to Dubai to discuss ‘Iraq – Reconstruction & Rebuilding, how to deliver Vision’ with expert Industry, Government and International Organisations on 25th November” …This is all about past tense as it is over now, as it is what was talked about, what was accomplished and with HUGE names involved.. This just shows go time is upon us. imo.
11-29-2018 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Is the Iraqi currency International? …let me debunk this rumor once again about any VISA or MASTERCARD going international and issued from an Iraqi bank. First, I will once again define what it means for a currency to be international: 1) for the IMF must recognize the currency under Article 8 of the UN member charter; 2) the currency MUST be tradable throughout the world not just in one area of the globe; 3)the currency, because it is recognized and traded around the globe, it is listed on the currency exchanges, where it is freely traded. Does it meet all of these conditions? Of course not…So these Iraqi cards are NOT yet really international yet. At least not yet. But they do have this capability for the future.
11-29-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni […they have already reduced the money supply.] …Wrong! This has not happened. If it did the auctions would be out of balance. As said last week from the CBI over 40 trillion is outside of the banks. Only when the dinar begins to rise gradually can the money supply be reduced…
11-29-2018 Intel Guru Footforward […Is the RV EVER going to happen…?] Yes the RV is going to happen. Watch Iran. Iran is tied to a lot more then people think.
11-29-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The future of the Iraqi currency!” Quote: “It is possible that the value of the Iraqi currency against the US dollar, for example, that the employee who receives 1200 thousand dinars at the exchange rate 1200, the purchasing power of $ 1000 dollars and if the strengthening of the dinar equivalent to 500 dinars to the dollar will be purchasing power $ 2400 instead of $ 1000.” What a GEM this is…All those relationships about the FILS make me smile! Stock Exchange = Fils, Receipt with Fils, CBI = Fils and now this! No denial!