Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-29-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-29-2020
11-29-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 US Bank News…Some banks are “ON EXCHANGE LOCATION” today…waiting for the “GO” signal! (Except Texas, more than likely) Various rates for different currencies are being communicated to us…supposedly at the banks discretion? Have your “Game On” when you go in to exchange.
11-29-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …You can’t worry about what you can’t control…You have a plan for if Trump is going to be in office and you have a plan for if Biden is going to be in office…it doesn’t matter who is president. The thing that disturbs me most about this stuff is the gloom and doom talk. “If this guy get’s in it’s all over.” “If THIS guy gets in it’s all over.” None of it’s true. Never has been. Never will be…
11-28-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The housing fund adopts electronic collection in collecting money” Fairly sure, the ATMs will have some new issues inside them.. Especially when we see them talking about the deletion of the zeros and the exchange rate to the Dollar.. Going to a market economy will require it…imo
11-28-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Central Bank launches the electronic collection project for the housing fund” AUTOMATION…They already told us about the ELECTRONIC DINAR!! More evidence they are gearing for a whole new economy and way of doing business…Going DIGITAL…Going Global…Love it..
11-28-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …Iraq is not going to change. They have a desire. They have a need to add value to their currency that they control. Do they want U.S. dollars? Sure, but they don’t control it. They want a currency that they can control…Is that going to change if Biden gets in? No. You don’t need to worry about that. What comes under the two administration is – What is the rate going to come out at? And then how far can the value of that currency go – at what speed?
11-28-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Parliamentary Finance issues a package of reforms that includes imposing a value-added tax and reviewing the dollar exchange rate” Surely they have presented the papers for the taxes at this time for a purpose. They will delete the zeros to be able to afford the 12% tax. Added value to the dinar will allow for the tax to be absorbed by even the poor…Quite clear now they have full intentions of raising the three zeros and going to an international free market economy.
11-28-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan They are going to issue the electronic dinar. Just as their neighbors are doing, too. They are effectively going to be more cashless in the end run. In the mean time the automation of the ports and borders will be taxing them, too. They will automatically be able to adjust pricing when needed. IF we recall the UN was in town this week. The UN wanted the correction to the White Papers…Well that correction is the rate, imo…The UN didn’t show up just for shiz and gigs, be sure…imo… I hope this one…sets well for everyone, as the reviewing of the exchange rate to the dollar and the deletion of zeros is some serious meat on the bone…imo.
11-28-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Very interesting big moves happening that definitely will have an effect on the dinar IMO. Article: “Iraq is preparing a plan to join the World Trade Organization in early 2021″ …this is great news…I really want to see this happen for them. Getting them in the World Trade Organization will really help Iraq grow. This effects both the currency and as well as shares on the ISX…I’m encouraged by what I see…this is looking good…
11-28-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …currency auctions are going to stop soon and they are going to issue the newer notes for lower denominations in Iraq. They are more than ready. I have talked to my CBI contact this week and I was told they will have the “green light” very soon. They are making their last preparations.