Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-25-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-25-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions11-25-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article: “Ministry of Transport intends to open direct airlines towards Australia, America, Malaysia” It’s not just about a few regional countries. It’s about many different places. Once you start opening up the airports all the investors can gain access to the country to take charge of their investment, produce their businesses. It’s a really big thing to have an international airport full…they have their capacity…what they’re using today is at 100% and they’re not even international yet…

11-25-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We have some bank stories I think you will enjoy… I thought this was a fantastic one: I am editing the name of the bank for the bank and the individual’s safety: I have an account with ———–I was there the other day talking with a bank manager. I asked her if she knew about Basel 3 and the changes in banks requirements in becoming a world’s currency exchange center and gold backed institution…She said they knew about the changes…and that they had been watching me (The bank customer) and had a portfolio on me and they were excited for me and hoped they could keep me as a customer…. She said that was all she could say…and she may have said to much. I think this was fantastic. We have heard similar stories from other members.

11-24-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man They’re saying it’s done. I really like that. I think you guys should be happy about it because if all the currency swaps are taken care of…I think it’s a precursor to an exchange rate change in the future.

11-24-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Lots of financial experts are… still hoping we see the RV by Dec 1st. That is their goal. And Iraq has been very clear it needs to go by Jan 1st.

11-24-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy [Response to Guru Nader below] What I’m about to talk about proves Iraq has potential to be much much richer than Kuwait and could have much more valuable currency than a Kuwait dinar… [Guru] Nader is stating Iraq is 100, no, 1000 times richer than Kuwait. I’ve done a side-by-side comprising…What makes Kuwait such a rich nation, Iraq absolutely has a lot more. But what’s keeping Iraq behind is the following – …Nader is right, when it comes to oil. Iraq has so much more than Kuwait does and Kuwait relies on their export of oil to make their country rich. The difference between Kuwait and Iraq is Kuwait has other things bringing money into their country besides oil.

11-24-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy They have things they can fall back on…GDP per capita…according to World Bank data Kuwait had a GDP per capita of approximately $29,000 in 2019 while Iraq was $5,000…Kuwait does share the wealth with the citizens, Iraq was not doing that. This substantial difference in GDP per capita clearly indicates Kuwait is wealthier on a person basis than Iraq. Even thought that’s true it doesn’t mean Iraq can’t turn around get their crap together because if they did they would easily smash Kuwait…Once the Iraqi people are becoming prosperous as well you’re going see Iraq pass up Kuwait as far as being a rich nation…Kuwait’s got their act together. We need Iraq to do the same thing.

11-24-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East It has to revalue. If you talk about the assets and how much Iraq has…Look at Kuwait doesn’t have anything. No agriculture. They have a little bit of tourism. When Kuwait hits your mind? Almost never. Here’s the thing though, Iraq is more richer than Kuwait. It’s 100x, 1000x richer than Kuwait. Of course because it’s bigger than Kuwait… When you hear the head of state saying the dinar is stronger than the dollar you got to believe him. It is stronger.

11-24-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] In Iraq they do not have a rate posted yet. But we continue to hear great things that should happen in the coming days. We don’t know the timing but it sure appears close…I believe this currency window is still wide open waiting for someone to say “go” …

11-24-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article: “With the participation of 120 companies…the launch of the Iraq International Building, Construction and Infrastructure Exhibition” This…being launched in Baghdad for the next few days is not surprising at all on the back of all the WTO meetings…since Oct 31st regarding Iraq’s accession to the organization. The 2023-2024-2025 budget is about investment primarily into infrastructure. It takes a lot of capital to build a country back…It will take massive amounts. It is far too expensive with 1310 exchange rate. An internationally accepted REER will likely make it far cheaper.

11-24-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “US approval to increase the dollar balances of 10 Iraqi banks” Quote: “The source explained that this agreement came in light of the recent meetings held by the Central Bank of Iraq with the American side, which resulted in an increase in the number of banks that can directly enhance their dollar balance to 10 banks, 5 of which are through Citibank, and the other five are through JP Morgan Bank.”

11-24-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy I started thinking about something. Right now Iraq is mostly importing. This is a time when a country would want to increase their exchange rate. This gives them more purchasing power. But that’s not what is happening over there in Iraq…I was wondering why don’t they just increase the exchange rate? This would give them more purchasing power and would help them as far as dealing with the deficit because if your exchange rate if higher then you have more purchasing power…Increase in the value of the Iraqi dinar means the imports that they pay for would be cheaper because they would have purchasing power…